Montenegro: Presidential Election Heads to Run-Off
Incumbent President Đukanović received his lowest result to date, and in the face of a united opposition, Montenegro’s strongman leader could be on the ropes.
Incumbent President Đukanović received his lowest result to date, and in the face of a united opposition, Montenegro’s strongman leader could be on the ropes.
Archery takes that great inheritance of which we’ve been robbed and retrieves it in distilled and concentrated form.
Iceland, which has a population of 370,000, saw 2,500 asylum seekers arrive in 2022, supported by open-border NGOs.
The Russian Federation has condemned the plan to send MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, vowing to destroy them once they enter the theater of war.
The blessing of same-sex couples and other reforms are “sins against Christ Himself and of the most serious nature,” U.S. Cardinal Burke said, calling for the end of the Synodal Path in Germany.
Bauerlein demonstrates in clear, elegant prose that a common frame of reference no longer exists, and the result for Millennials and Gen Z has been a disaster.
The trend of fewer men getting university degrees—often leading to 9-to-5 desk jobs—may have a positive aspect.
Ireland’s new legislation to label alcohol like tobacco—which has been greenlighted by the EU—has spurred Italians to take the fight to Europe in defence of their native wine.
The €3.03 billion sale is intended to stave off a breakdown in confidence—following recent bank collapses in the U.S.—from spilling over.
The signs prompted such intense debate online that the public news outlet WDR disabled its comment section under its story.
Incumbent President Đukanović received his lowest result to date, and in the face of a united opposition, Montenegro’s strongman leader could be on the ropes.
Archery takes that great inheritance of which we’ve been robbed and retrieves it in distilled and concentrated form.
Iceland, which has a population of 370,000, saw 2,500 asylum seekers arrive in 2022, supported by open-border NGOs.
The Russian Federation has condemned the plan to send MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, vowing to destroy them once they enter the theater of war.
The blessing of same-sex couples and other reforms are “sins against Christ Himself and of the most serious nature,” U.S. Cardinal Burke said, calling for the end of the Synodal Path in Germany.
Bauerlein demonstrates in clear, elegant prose that a common frame of reference no longer exists, and the result for Millennials and Gen Z has been a disaster.
The trend of fewer men getting university degrees—often leading to 9-to-5 desk jobs—may have a positive aspect.
Ireland’s new legislation to label alcohol like tobacco—which has been greenlighted by the EU—has spurred Italians to take the fight to Europe in defence of their native wine.
The €3.03 billion sale is intended to stave off a breakdown in confidence—following recent bank collapses in the U.S.—from spilling over.
The signs prompted such intense debate online that the public news outlet WDR disabled its comment section under its story.
VOX’s no-confidence motion to oust PM Pedro Sánchez amounts to little more than a gimmick.