Dutch ‘Suicide Powder’ Seller Sentenced
Through Alex S.’s actions, ten people died after ingesting the deadly powder, while investigators revealed his so-called ‘suicide kits’ had been sold to about 1,600 people.
Through Alex S.’s actions, ten people died after ingesting the deadly powder, while investigators revealed his so-called ‘suicide kits’ had been sold to about 1,600 people.
Time will certainly tell whether the Left Party’s left-liberal shift will end up paying electoral dividends or whether it will have the opposite effect and precipitate the long-anticipated split within the party.
The fine marks a trend of European regulators curbing Big Tech business practices.
Despite a wish by MEPs to pursue a bilateral deal with Taiwan business groups, the EU Commission warned that any embrace of Taipei could jeopardise already tense relations with China.
Suppressing remarks or attitudes that could harm a “peaceful social climate” may be great for genteel Council of Europe meetings, university seminars, or dinner parties, even if it might make them a trifle dull. But it won’t work for any kind of effective 21st century politics.
The U.S. government is doing everything wrong with its finances. Its current debt management strategy is downright stupid. Are they trying to fabricate a fiscal crisis?
Former Brexit Party MEP Ben Habib said that “Rishi Sunak is neither a Brexiter nor a Unionist. He also cannot be trusted.”
The latest iteration of EU visa policy will make it possible for Ecuadorians to gain visa-free access to the Schengen countries, as Latin American leaders drove a hard bargain during this week’s CELAC summit in Brussels.
“The arrest would also undermine a South African-led mission to end the war in Ukraine and “foreclose any peaceful solution,” South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said.
European and German football federations have teamed up with left-wing groups to bring a woke agenda to the football pitch.
Christ is the salvation for the shipwrecked. Clinging to Him will keep us afloat in a shipwrecked world. The order He brings gives the martyr the ability to lay down his life, the sorrowful to find hope, and the grieving to find peace that the world can never give.
After complaining that the ministry of culture was attempting to suppress the film, director Carlos Hernando has made it free to host, download, and reproduce.
It falls to sane ordinary people—like the Polish men at the swimming pool last weekend—to be outraged by the outrageous.
On multiple occasions, Russia threatened to quit the initiative because its demands to lift sanctions on Russia’s logistical and financial sectors, which hamstrung its own grain and fertilizer exports, had not been met.
The Kerch Bridge—the longest bridge in Russia and in Europe—serves as a crucial artery that allows military equipment and personnel to flow from mainland Russia to the southern battlefront in Ukraine.
The local GOP joined the steady growth among the political voices in the U.S. that demand the criminalization of mRNA technology “on behalf of the preservation of the human race.”
Despite being lauded in Europe as essential to the green transition, new EU carbon tariffs have evoked considerable anger in the Global South and stirred fears that the tariffs will destroy national steel industries and direct more countries into the arms of China.
Justice Minister Helen McEntee described increasing numbers as “a permanent change.”
Erdoğan’s AKP relies on the support of the nationalist MHP for parliamentary majority, but the party is not happy with the president’s agreement with Stockholm, looking to vote against the ratification.
A case an American tourist brought against the country’s abortion law proved the pro-life medical model works.
There is no question that free trade prospects in the UK are lagging, but there is more at stake than simply the arrest of British economic growth. A free economy gives rise to virtuous citizenry, promotes desirable social ends by means of employment, and reduces poverty—noble goals that were developed over the last two centuries.
The retraction has proven as—or more—effective in not only spreading the findings of the study but proving that those who would cancel others are often the ones who are unethical and unscientific.