Far-Left Extremists Take Credit for German Railway Arson Attack
German transport minister brands attack “a form of terrorism.”
German transport minister brands attack “a form of terrorism.”
This marks the first time an unborn baby has been beatified by the Catholic Church.
Curated by Eric Dubois, this exhibit holds a looking glass up to the earliest works of Blake and Mortimer’s creator, portraying him as a modern-day Homeric storyteller.
The ruling ÖVP rolls out the rhetoric on immigration ahead of next year’s elections in an attempt to head off the growing FPÖ.
Prague and Vienna state they will not comply.
Tony Blair’s consultancy focuses on combatting what it calls “frightening authoritarian populism.”
The vote has been denounced as illegitimate by the Kyiv Government and Western nations.
It seems that many people in power think that if they play the ostrich, the threat of jihad or Sharia oppression of non-Muslims will go away.
”A massive embarrassment for our nation,” says former detective.
U.S. unemployment is rising, but this does not mean a recession is coming. Immigration is causing a recession mirage.
The personal assistant of MEP Flanagan is accused of hacking his former boss’s Twitter account, pretending to look for naked pictures of a colleague in what appears to be an elaborate prank.
Turkey and the United Nations are trying hard to revive the safe export of Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea, but Putin remains an obstacle.
The Russian hacking incident exposed British state secrets while laying bare the security risks of privately owned national defence systems.
Dobbs was a partial victory: it ruled that abortion is not a right, but it did not make the positive point that life must be protected by law.
Described as “heroes” and “Robin Hoods,” London’s ‘Blade Runners’ are disabling cameras meant to enforce Mayor Sadiq Khan’s vehicle emission requirements.
A former Regular Army Officer looks at the largest issues, beyond party politics, confronting the new UK defence secretary.
Oleksii Reznikov was dismissed Sunday evening after months of corruption scandals around military supplies.
The recent Quran burning and riots in Malmö pose deadly threats to Swedes while endangering the lives of Christians in Iraq.
Britain may be preparing to host nuclear weapons, as leaked budgetary proposals suggest that RAF Lakenheath could be primed for U.S. warheads as soon as 2026.
In a bid to solve a housing crisis of its own making, the British government prioritized illegal migrants over university students.
The government has known about the weakening state of school-building concrete for years, but has given less than a week’s notice for lockdown-like online lessons now.
Christianity envisions an order of distinct nations and peoples without fetishizing race as a point of dogmatic principle.