Peacemaking and Property Rights
Private property plays an important role in peace.
Private property plays an important role in peace.
The Commission president said it is “clear” that the UK will one day rejoin the EU.
“The nature and scale of maladministration I have found [within the EU] requires a broader public debate,” Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly said.
On the surface, everything looks good for the Czechs to join the euro. But look a bit closer, and the picture changes dramatically.
Protesters claim European Commission allows unfair competition from Ukraine to ruin EU trucking businesses.
Finland says it has made no requests for border control assistance from Poland.
An isolationist stance would mean a diminished United States and a more dominant China.
Socialist MEP Marie Arena’s contacts with primary suspect Antonio Panzeri suggest she was an essential part of his network.
The return of the spire in its original shape is a victory for those who fought to ensure the cathedral’s pre-fire appearance was respected.
Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez continues to face protests against his amnesty bid for Catalan separatists.
Private property plays an important role in peace.
The Commission president said it is “clear” that the UK will one day rejoin the EU.
On the surface, everything looks good for the Czechs to join the euro. But look a bit closer, and the picture changes dramatically.
“The nature and scale of maladministration I have found [within the EU] requires a broader public debate,” Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly said.
Protesters claim European Commission allows unfair competition from Ukraine to ruin EU trucking businesses.
Finland says it has made no requests for border control assistance from Poland.
An isolationist stance would mean a diminished United States and a more dominant China.
Socialist MEP Marie Arena’s contacts with primary suspect Antonio Panzeri suggest she was an essential part of his network.
Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez continues to face protests against his amnesty bid for Catalan separatists.
The return of the spire in its original shape is a victory for those who fought to ensure the cathedral’s pre-fire appearance was respected.
The four military powers want to ensure the European Commission won’t violate their sovereignty while trying to create Europe’s military-industrial complex.
Temporary pause extended to allow more hostages to be exchanged for Palestinian prisoners