German Politics in Troubled Waters
The left-wing coalition government looks fatally wounded. But will a fractured Right replace it?
The left-wing coalition government looks fatally wounded. But will a fractured Right replace it?
Yeats’ ghostly philosophy became a central theme in much of his most significant poetry. Many of his key works cannot be properly understood without knowledge of it.
‘New Right’ party leader says the Right must consolidate if it wants to challenge the ruling Left.
While the rest of the nation looked on in horror at the pro-Hamas marches, Corbyn sat back licking his lips.
In the wake of William Lai’s presidential win, Taiwan-China relations are already deteriorating even further.
To the shame of Europe, the International Court of Justice at The Hague is now the theatre for a staged political show trial.
Trump has consistently refused to take part in the debates, yet still comes out on top.
The moral corruption of the Vatican elites appears to have reached a new low with the revelations over a 1998 book written by Cardinal Fernández.
Houellebecq may be decadent in his personal life, but no novelist sees Europe’s religious crisis with clearer eyes.
For Ida Görres, the only hope for wounded nature is that it be engulfed in grace.
Argentina’s new political cycle offers a window of opportunity for those who believe in truth, goodness, and beauty.
The president emphasised the need for a ten-year plan for palliative care instead of implementing euthanasia in the near future.
The EU hints that it wants to get involved in health care funding. If it does, it could disrupt national health care models and grow government at the expense of other ways to pay for medical services.
The country wants the EU to declare parts of Syria ‘safe.’
Approximately 10% of the European Medical Agency’s annual budget will be devoured by a mismanaged London HQ rental agreement, leaving agency chiefs begging for funds.
Liberal media welcomes authoritarian turn by EU-backed Tusk government.
The German chancellor’s call comes despite his own reticence to send weapons to the beleaguered country.
The collapse of history-teaching is eroding the foundations of France’s republican identity
German police union chief dismisses allegations of ‘far-right infiltration’ as “malicious.”
Brussels is trying to scare member states into funding the project by flashing the Trump card.
History shows that we are unlikely to accept decline as a permanent state. If our current ruling class won’t stop it, sooner or later, majorities will clamor for someone who will.
The “EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities” makes reducing CO2 emissions the central criterion for accessing liquidity.