Soros-Funded Election Interference Network Uncovered in Europe
The heads of a U.S.-based NGO are on tape admitting to influencing the Polish and Hungarian elections on behalf of their primary donor, the billionaire George Soros.
The heads of a U.S.-based NGO are on tape admitting to influencing the Polish and Hungarian elections on behalf of their primary donor, the billionaire George Soros.
An angry internal email from trade unionists complained that spiralling crime rates are making Brussels perilous to work in.
The election will serve as a crucial gauge of whether Slovaks favor maintaining a conservative, sovereigntist path or shifting towards globalist, pro-Brussels politicians.
Germany is asking for a discount based on its prior bilateral contributions, while France insists on a “Buy European” clause in joint arms procurements.
Obsessed with not appearing too far to the Right because of some of his reform ideas, the French president is pandering to the far Left by calling the Rassemblement National “outside the republican arc.”
77% of Polish people support their farmers in largest protest to date against EU’s Green Deal and cheap Ukrainian imports.
If Congress decides to compensate NATO for insufficient European funding, they may have a run-in with the investors on the market for U.S. government debt.
Sources say they are not scared of losing their seats—but winning them.
Participants on The European Conservative’s panel discussed the centralisation attempts that would strip member states of their sovereignty and make the EU less democratic.
The use of newborns as ideological guinea pigs is morally repugnant and must be stopped.
The heads of a U.S.-based NGO are on tape admitting to influencing the Polish and Hungarian elections on behalf of their primary donor, the billionaire George Soros.
An angry internal email from trade unionists complained that spiralling crime rates are making Brussels perilous to work in.
The election will serve as a crucial gauge of whether Slovaks favor maintaining a conservative, sovereigntist path or shifting towards globalist, pro-Brussels politicians.
Germany is asking for a discount based on its prior bilateral contributions, while France insists on a “Buy European” clause in joint arms procurements.
Obsessed with not appearing too far to the Right because of some of his reform ideas, the French president is pandering to the far Left by calling the Rassemblement National “outside the republican arc.”
If Congress decides to compensate NATO for insufficient European funding, they may have a run-in with the investors on the market for U.S. government debt.
77% of Polish people support their farmers in largest protest to date against EU’s Green Deal and cheap Ukrainian imports.
Sources say they are not scared of losing their seats—but winning them.
Participants on The European Conservative’s panel discussed the centralisation attempts that would strip member states of their sovereignty and make the EU less democratic.
The use of newborns as ideological guinea pigs is morally repugnant and must be stopped.
Interior ministry cannot guarantee the confidentiality of state-funded counseling sessions for ‘right-wing extremism.’
While Brussels hailed the package, it seems to be nothing more than an ineffective symbolic deed.