Grim Paris Salome Underserves the Work
The gloomy production is a poor platform for superstar soprano Lise Davidsen and a generally stellar cast.
The gloomy production is a poor platform for superstar soprano Lise Davidsen and a generally stellar cast.
The tax would invade privacy and clash with other attempts at changing behavior through taxes.
British PM Rishi Sunak can make pledges all he likes, but “a furious nation simply isn’t listening,” one commentator said.
Recent efforts to punish Georgia risk precipitating, rather than deterring, the country’s drift toward Russia.
While the self-employed showed relative preference for Matteo Salvini’s Lega, the PM’s party easily overcame socialists as the favoured party of the Italian working class.
While putting national interests first, PM Viktor Orbán said his country will not veto decisions that are backed by a clear majority.
Pundits say violence on the campaign trail is “inevitable” as the media brands Reform UK ‘far-right.’
President’s son likely to evade prison, and instead face hefty fine.
Dozens are being investigated after a migrant smuggling ring was busted— including establishment politicians accused of accepting bribes in the “six-digit range.”
The gloomy production is a poor platform for superstar soprano Lise Davidsen and a generally stellar cast.
The tax would invade privacy and clash with other attempts at changing behavior through taxes.
British PM Rishi Sunak can make pledges all he likes, but “a furious nation simply isn’t listening,” one commentator said.
Recent efforts to punish Georgia risk precipitating, rather than deterring, the country’s drift toward Russia.
While the self-employed showed relative preference for Matteo Salvini’s Lega, the PM’s party easily overcame socialists as the favoured party of the Italian working class.
While putting national interests first, PM Viktor Orbán said his country will not veto decisions that are backed by a clear majority.
Pundits say violence on the campaign trail is “inevitable” as the media brands Reform UK ‘far-right.’
President’s son likely to evade prison, and instead face hefty fine.
Dozens are being investigated after a migrant smuggling ring was busted— including establishment politicians accused of accepting bribes in the “six-digit range.”
Hostility to Farage has made them forget just how important the immigration issue is to voters.
The Left is showing its capacity to unite while the Right squabbles.