If the Palestinians are allowed to set the agenda, there is a chance that Israel will be destroyed in the future. The truth must not be left unsaid.
Moscow spends mountains of money to refute what is happening on the ground in Ukraine.
I joined the armed forces because I believe it is the only way to stop Russia.
The Cold War is back. Does the West have the strength to bring down the Wall again?
Cardinal Wyszynski’s life serves as a reminder that “Evil can be overcome with good and truth.”
We denounced the Italian Communist Party, and two weeks later I was targeted by them.
Most Swedes understand that the immigration situation is unsustainable.
“Right-wing parties are divided on some issues and agree on others. This will be reflected in Parliament.”
The current left-liberal government is trying to destroy anyone who threatens their ideological madness.
The regime’s internal fracture may spell the end for Chavismo.
Lukashenko is a political actor in the worst sense. He only cares about staying in power.
“What should the international community do? Edmundo González won the Venezuelan election, there is nothing more to talk about. He is the president-elect.”