It is time for a reckoning. For my money, this election is about one thing and one thing only: the Reform vote.
While a joyous community of kaleidoscopic gay disciples captured under the latest acronym sounds idyllic, a cursory analysis of its component groups makes it clear that this may just be the least harmonious smorgasbord in history.
No matter how bad a workday I may have had, those precious seconds when I turn the key in the front door and hear the jubilant shouts of “Daddy!” make it all worthwhile.
There are correct answers to all the great questions before us, and no dissent is permitted.
Abbott is black, female, and left-wing—which some clearly believe should afford her immunity not just from attack but also from critique.
When the police devote their energy to explaining the nuance of words like ‘jihad’ and ‘intifada,’ something’s got to give.
Reform UK is making waves at Westminster—both in the opinion polls and with the defection of heavyweight Lee Anderson. Frank Haviland caught up with party leader Richard Tice to find out what is going on behind the scenes.
Perhaps we should coin the term ‘Christianist’ to explain all those suicide bombings committed to the cries of ‘Gloria in excelsis Deo’?
The use of newborns as ideological guinea pigs is morally repugnant and must be stopped.
The surge in support for Reform UK might make Labour’s celebrations premature in this bellwether by-election.
Many have long-since argued that the BBC is unfit for purpose, but this week’s diversity farrago takes the biscuit.
DEI’s proponents are running out of straight white men to bash over the head.