At the end of the day’s strike, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced that she had heard the “questions” and “doubts” raised by the reform but wanted to continue the debate in the national assembly.
The compromised wording passed by the senators at least has the merit of refusing to set in stone any ‘right’ to abortion. But another fundamental freedom must be preserved, the freedom of conscience of practitioners to carry out an abortion or not.
The European court has been waging a long-running battle against Poland on the highly sensitive issue of abortion, which may explain why the appointment of a new Polish judge has been so difficult.
The French president proposes a change in France’s military paradigm, in preparation for long-lasting attacks requiring a greater availability of equipment and larger stocks of ammunition.
Why this obsession on the part of Brussels officials with making the citizens of old Europe eat insects? Not a concerted ideological plan, but proof of a rootless globalist way of thinking that takes on unexpected aspects: in the age of happy globalisation, if it’s done elsewhere, why not here?
The German chancellor was in Paris on Sunday, January 22nd, to try to reinvigorate a pair that is supposed to be the driving force of the European Union, but whose disagreements have been particularly significant in recent months.
For the Italian government, the Trieste conference represents a concerted effort to improve Italy’s credibility with respect to its role in European regional geopolitical issues.
The bakers are calling for an emergency tariff shield, valid for all. Others give a more political tone to their protest and question the European common market of electricity.
For the organizers of the movement, the challenge is to encourage politicians to think differently, and to refuse to encourage the culture of death by instead developing alternative policies that respect life and the dignity of the human person.
Labor Minister Olivier acknowledged “a significant mobilisation” in reaction to the reform, but President Emmanuel Macron, on a trip to Spain, sent a clear signal of his determination to see the reform through to the end.
Pap Ndiaye advocated the return of dictation, as well as the daily practice of writing and mental arithmetic. He hopes to improve the spelling and grammar skills of French pupils in CM1 and CM2—the last two classes of the French primary cycle.
The Aachen police denied any staging, but also any arrest: Greta Thunberg was only subjected to an identity check before being transported by bus out of the danger zone.