Even before Vladimir Putin’s announcement, Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhaïlo Podoliak described a possible truce as a “cynical trap” with an “element of propaganda.”
The Ukrainian president welcomed the deepening of French military commitment and intends to use this opportunity to put pressure on other states to provide more equipment.
The Vatican had warned that it would be a “simple” ceremony. The hearts of the many faithful present were heavy after the death of the holy man who, in his silence and retirement, had remained a reference point of faith and wisdom for them.
Given the importance of bread in the diet of the French, but also in their collective imagination, the increasing number of bakery closures could well be the signal of a serious social revolt.
The vicar claims the “history of biblical interpretation is littered with the opinions of rich, white, straight, cisgender, able-bodied, neurotypical men.”
The strike was keenly felt as France was hit by a triple epidemic—a resurgence of COVID, the seasonal flu, and bronchiolitis in toddlers.
Czechoslovakia’s great fortune is that it was able to avoid a Yugoslav-style scenario, as the proximity between the two peoples was sufficient to allow an amicable separation.
Homosexual couples will have no choice but to declare that they comprise of a mother and a father. They can still appeal to have the words ‘parent 1’ and ‘parent 2’ recognised, but this will be decided on an individual basis.
For the senators proposing the bill, the danger is very real and goes far beyond the sole question of Christmas creches. Other traditions are also subject to attacks motivated by the ideology of wokeism, like Christmas trees and Easter eggs.
The Ukrainian government’s long-term plan was to pursue a policy of total Ukrainisation of the country. The context of war and the need to get into the good graces of its neighbours led Kyiv to reconsider. But for the Hungarian minority in Ukraine, it is not enough.
The Grand Mosque condemns Houellebecq’s remarks as “staggeringly brutal.”
During the first days of the storm, the Vatican preferred to remain silent, a stance no longer possible since it seems clear that Fr. Rupnik has been protected in the highest places.