President Macron’s polemical viewpoint aroused indignation in the East but reminds us of an objective reality: Russia will not give in easily on issues that are deemed crucial to its security.
The game is not completely played in advance. Ciotti and Retailleau have in common that they both assume a conservative right-wing discourse, but each in their own way.
In Paris, despite Anne Hidalgo’s efforts, there are still traditions that resist, and on every street corner you can acquire, for the modest sum of one euro and a few cents, a piece of happiness and eternity.
Emmanuel Macron clearly tried to put on the costume of the defender of European interests against an American egoism always quick to impose itself in times of crisis.
Despite its negative opinion on the payment of aid to Hungary, the European Commission alone does not have the power to decide on such a sanction.
Religious grounds are rarely taken into account by the bodies responsible for examining asylum applications. On the other hand, asylum applications based on sexual orientation do not seem to pose a problem for the French authorities.
For the first time, head of state Emmanuel Macron is directly targeted by an investigation launched by the national financial prosecutor.
As early as 2017, the mayor’s advisor in charge of the budget alerted Anne Hidalgo to her mismanagement and the disaster that was looming. Unheedful of the warnings then, Anne Hidalgo continues today to bankrupt Paris.
Soumahoro’s election had become a symbol of integration and meritocracy—a strong message to put on display at the time of Meloni’s victory. Today, his position is shaken by a scandal involving his wife and his mother-in-law.
The worst fears raised by members of Les Républicains or the Rassemblement National are fully justified: the state has not been able to deal properly with these 234 migrants, most of whom have disappeared into thin air.
In order for the right to kill a child in the womb becomes part of the French constitution, the identical text must still be adopted by the Senate, where a draft has already been rejected in committee.
The magistrate classified the incriminated fund supported by Cardinal Zen as having been established solely for “political aims.”