Anxiety has been heightened because these cables are mostly owned by private companies and they pass through areas that are accessible to all, making them very vulnerable.
The fight against jihadism is the priority for the new master of Burkina Faso. The country has lost control of 40% of its territory to armed jihadist groups, and Damiba has clearly failed to put an end to this unrest.
The French believe a union of the Rights is highly unlikely in the French political landscape, and perhaps more significantly, they consider coalitions undesirable.
Meloni distinguished herself from her two allies in the centre-right coalition, Matteo Salvini’s Lega and Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia, who were much more cautious on the subject, by virtue of their relatively good relations with Vladimir Putin in the past.
For the Italians, there is no ‘fascism’ attached to Giorgia Meloni. Her coalition is centre-right, full stop. On the other side of the Alps, the repeated use of the word ‘fascist’ dispenses with any nuanced analysis; few articles actually look at Meloni’s programme.
Those who are contemptuous of Christian civilisation continue their assault on our spiritual heritage. Defending it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify to those for whom erasing its traces from the public sphere has become a point of honour.
Cardinal Zen’s arrest in May sparked a wave of international outrage, in contrast to the Vatican’s relative discretion on the matter. This ‘prudence,’ which could be viewed as excessive, provides the morally murky atmosphere necessary for the Vatican to renew the agreement with communist China.
The two memos, although they come from state services, flagrantly contradict the official discourse of the education minister, the indigenist Pap Ndiaye, who does everything to minimise the problem of the Islamisation of schools.
The attempt to intimidate comes as Vice President Kamala Harris is travelling to visit Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.
With this gesture, the Belgian episcopate replaces prayers for the return of homosexuals to lives that conform to the Catholic faith with a deliberate policy that sanctions gay unions, to be implemented liturgically.
Some people think things have only gotten worse since the 2018 agreement was signed. Vatican diplomacy defends it as a way to protect the Church’s presence in China, even if unsatisfactory.
Germany has made the reception of Russian deserters a political battle, while Baltic states remain cautious.