Blessed John Paul I joins the now almost unbroken cohort of holy and blessed popes since the 19th century, after Blessed Pius IX, St Pius X, Venerable Pius XII, St John XXIII and St Paul VI.
The debate over the Order of Malta’s status as a “subject of the Holy See” is not new, but Pope Francis’ reforms have caused anxiety for those who understand what is at stake in the Order’s loss of sovereignty.
The number of troops on the ground is much lower than in the previous 2018 exercise. But the symbolic significance of this event is quite different. It is an explicit display of the Sino-Russian alliance on the international stage.
The existence of recurrent crises should not be used to justify the maintenance of a permanent state of emergency or to bypass the governing protocols of the Fifth Republic.
Newly recruited teachers will be contractual workers, not civil servants, who will be exempt from passing the competitive examination: something that is hardly conceivable in the French education system.
Following his arrest, Hassan Iquioussen should have been placed in an administrative detention centre. But when the police arrived at his home, he was not there.
The bill has little chance of succeeding. It will certainly pass the National Assembly with votes from the Left, but the right-wing majority in the Senate will block it. For the RN, the right to vote must remain intimately linked to the question of citizenship.
This announcement is part of a wider offensive by the French government in favour of LGBT rights. For Elisabeth Borne, the defence of LGBT rights is now a priority ideological battle: “the battle of attitudes has not yet been won,” she explained.
Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin welcomed the legal firmness with which the imam was treated. It was, however, a firmness that was quickly put to the test.
“By choosing Azerbaijan as a gas supplier, Mrs. von der Leyen is in fact weakening the European Union,” the French MPs said.
For Archbishop Welby, confirming traditional moral teaching is not a question of truth, but of practicality and prudential policy— considerably diminishing the moral significance of his letter.
Russia supports Serbian claims that the existence of an independent Kosovo would have no historical validity—a parallel being easily drawn with Russian claims over Crimea in 2014 and now over Ukraine as a whole.