A long and relatively unusual wait for the appointment of a government under the Fifth Republic can be explained by the difficulty in finding candidates for ministerial positions while the next legislative elections loom.
A few weeks ago, Zemmour’s candidacy was not yet a foregone conclusion, nor was the place where he would run. Although the candidate of Reconquête obtained good scores in Var, the game remains difficult for him.
Since the beginning of the war, Pope Francis has tried to keep a balanced position toward Ukraine and Russia in order not to close the door on any possibility of negotiation.
More than two-thirds of Swiss voters—72%—voted in favour of increasing their contribution to the agency. Their refusal would have had serious repercussions on the overall functioning of the institution.
Moscow had promised to match expulsion measures; dozens of Western diplomats have already been expelled from Russia.
The discussion between Ursula von der Leyen and Viktor Orbán on May 9th lasted throughout the afternoon and continued into the evening.
In Sokoto State, as in eleven other northern states of Nigeria, Sharia law is applied alongside ordinary law. Islamic law punishes those guilty of blasphemy with death penalty.
The announcement of Elisabeth Borne’s appointment did not arouse much enthusiasm in the French press. Her profile gives the impression of a default and very bureaucratic choice.
The ecologist Éric Piolle wants to put the burkini issue to the vote in his city and sees it as a militant act. In the name of freedom, he wants to authorise the wearing of the burkini, but also topless swimming. He naively hopes to see the two cohabit in the pools of Grenoble.
The Valneva CEO does not intend to give up, as he explains that he regularly receives a very large number of requests from Europeans looking for a traditional vaccine solution against the COVID-19 virus.
French paradox: no one wants to give Emmanuel Macron a majority, but all the projections in seats suggest that he will have a comfortable majority. It has been a long time since France has not been in such an absurd, not to say grotesque, political situation.
The absurdity of the French administrative situation may lead to giggles all over the world, but the phenomenon described in the Senate report is quite serious and is due to the country’s inability to adopt a clear and firm migration policy.