The St. Thomas More Award of the Ancient Order of St. George went to Rocco Buttiglione who, with his insistence on natural law, European fraternity, Christian principles, and the significance of Europe’s cultural identity, embodies an exemplary Christian political leader.
Unparalleled in terms of harsh criticism: Voegelin opines on Popper’s work in correspondence with Leo Strauss.
Modernity, in its rebellion against Christianity, embarked on a path to ruin. Unless the spirit of modernity perceives itself as being in a place of need, hostility towards Christian values will continue.
“Whereas the Matthäus-Passion and Johannes-Passion are extremely well-known and have long and well-established performance traditions, the libretto of the Markus is largely unknown, even to Bach scholars.”
In his book The Disappearance of Rituals, Korean-German philosopher Byun-Chul Han presents a genealogy of the disappearance of rituals and its catastrophic effects on society.
For the Utopian, a unified and uniform mass of humanity is enabled by the “abolition of war,” which in turn can only be safeguarded by a “supranational agency, ultimately a world government.”
Anti-terrorism preventative unit faces backlash after ludicrous categorization of Christian and conservative classics.
The actual number of ‘transgender’ people in many large EU countries is infinitesimally small; yet lobby groups bring about vast legal changes.
The Russian cybercrime syndicate appeared to have ties to Evil Corp, the largest cybercrime organization in the world.
The worst train disaster in Greek history has already claimed at least 57 lives and painfully underscores the deterioration of the nation’s rail system.
Engels invites us to free ourselves from the belief that the “nation state offers the answer to all our existential and identity problems” and proposed a “pan-European conservative front.”
The latest Vanity Fair photo shoot points to the darker occult roots of the entertainment industry.
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