Progressives declared war on Trump on live TV. Trump was watching. Regardless of his ideological promiscuity, the die was cast: abortion activists were his enemies. They paid dearly for the mistake.
How is it that the greatest of all democracies has been transfixed by abortion politics for decades? The answer is simple and unpopular: It is because there is still a battle being waged for the soul of America.
Many of the architects of the sexual revolution made their case for the abuse of children openly, and they were embraced by the elites, lionized by the press, and heralded as courageous thinkers.
“I think conspiracy theories are proliferating because we can all feel the ground shifting under our feet but have no easy way to understand and make sense of that feeling of chaos.”—N.S. Lyons
It is the ordinary nature of their goodness that makes the story of Le Chambon such a miracle. It was weathered men and women with brittle hands, shiny with callouses from backbreaking work, hard as oak and often gnarled with age, who did these things.
I have thought since her first run that Dr. Leslyn Lewis is a breath of fresh air—the outsider candidate that the Ottawa bubble and the Conservative Party needs. The Harper-clones have been at the top for a long time, but it is past time for a facelift.
It is an irony that the regimes of godless Communists and imperial thugs must preserve the corpses of their revolutionary leaders, made incorruptible by enormous amounts of money, for their subjects to worship.
INTERVIEW Many have noted that the COVID-19 pandemic did not make things worse so much as simply accelerate existing trends.
“We will not have the Armenians anywhere in Anatolia. They can live in the desert but nowhere else.” With the soldiers neutralized and massacres and deportations in progress, it was time for a decapitation strike to eliminate the Armenian leadership with a single blow.
Animated by faith and patriotism and buoyed by an unkillable sense of humor, Ukrainians are thus far shocking the world by their steadfastness in the face of Russian aggression.
“Christopher was quite capable of respecting Christians. If you really believed it and were willing to defend the challenges thrown up against it, he respected that and he liked it.”
Churchill was remarkably clear-eyed about the dangers of the soulless and secular statism promoted by everyone from the Bloomsbury elites to the twin barbarisms of Bolshevism and Nazism.