The fact that “Zionist” became an insult in the mouth of so many on the Left should ring alarm bells.
Every abortionist knows that the procedure kills a human being, but most Westerners live in blissful ignorance.
Pornography is normalizing dangerous and degrading sexual behavior.
Malcolm Muggeridge, the great Christian journalist, believed that the acceptance of abortion signaled the death of the West.
“In a generation, we will be speaking of euthanasia the same way that we speak of forced sterilization.”
The Democratic Party’s favorite cause is unrestricted abortion—and they are peddling lies to reach their ghoulish goal.
Wendell Berry reminds us that communities with ties to the land and to our place in the world are essential for a good life.
Perry believed the big lie of the Sexual Revolution, the lie promoted by Friends. It cost him very dearly.
Many of her fans insist that she merely has an ‘open mind’—but as G.K. Chesterton observed: “The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid.”
“I believe that I am called to shine a light on the evil being perpetuated to our children,” says whistleblower.
Despite facing repeated arrests, Vaughn-Spruce is determined to continue standing up for women and their unborn children.
For decades, the British people have been voting for less immigration. For decades, they have gotten more immigration.