“The internet isolates us. It allows us a godlike freedom to curate our sense of reality. Community flourishes when people have to rely not just on themselves but on each other to make sense of life.”
When the trans experiment comes crashing down, they will come after us with a vengeance. We will be blamed for their misery.
The leftists have decided to tell us precisely who they are. It is important that we listen.
Leftists who claim Orwell as their own would likely be surprised to discover that he was very socially conservative.
When the mask slips, people catch an unvarnished glimpse at what is going on behind all the soothing, medicalized language: killing people.
Rich Western countries are pushing the LGBT agenda and abortion in developing countries, promising cash in exchange for their souls—but you won’t read that in the mainstream press.
The ‘Machine’ competes against God, by framing every part of reality as a biological mechanism or a simulation, to be manipulated according to our caprice.
In Hills Like White Elephants Hemingway immortalized a conversation not just of that time, but of all times: a man trying to persuade a woman who is already a mother that she is not yet a mother.
As in most of the great classics, the essential nature of gratitude in difficult circumstances is constantly emphasized.
Imagine realizing that you failed to protect your child from medical quacks who amputated healthy body parts and left her mutilated for life.
Young girls are told to shut their mouths and check their bigotry when they wonder aloud why they are being forced to change with biological men.
FROM THE SUMMER 2023 PRINT EDITION: Martin Amis got the collective cultural impact of pornography right while most were still defending it. “Porno, it seems, is a parody of love,” he wrote.