The interior minister’s statements come two months after 12 of the 16 federal states had to block the intake of additional asylum seekers.
“The Left understanding of democracy no longer exists in Berlin. Totalitarian ideas, against laws and democracy,” Herald Vilimsky, the Freedom Party of Austria’s delegation leader in the European Parliament said in response to state of affairs that led to the lawsuit being filed.
In addition to the FDP, which is a member of the ruling coalition, opposition parties like the CDU, CSU, and AfD have all rejected the interior minister’s radical plan to overhaul the citizenship law.
Concerning a willingness to provide additional humanitarian and military support to Ukraine at the expense of Germany, there was a stark divide between the formerly-socialist East German states and the western part of the country.
In the past month, several sexual assaults as well the brutal murder of 12-year-old Lola were committed by illegal migrants with one or more deportation orders, highlighting Macron’s abject failure to keep France’s most vulnerable citizens safe.
“The government apparently wants to destroy the German passport. Soon everyone should get it. Foreigners in Germany are thus deprived of a great incentive to integrate. This can become a major threat to the cohesion of our society,” Andrea Lindholz, a lawmaker for the CSU, said in response to the proposal.
Of the 2,939 individuals who were arrested and detained in the city in the first six months of 2022, 2,247 of them (76%) were foreign nationals.
Now, the legislation will be sent to the Federal Council, Russia’s upper legislative house, before it is signed into law by President Vladimir Putin.
The ECR chief accused that the European Parliament, among other things, of inflicting immense damage on Europe, infecting it with shameless partisanship, and being anti-democratic.
Hungary’s generous assistance comes despite the fact that it’s been maligned repeatedly as a “trojan horse” of Russia.
French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin’s exceptionally harsh rhetoric comes amid an escalating war of words between the French and Italian governments.
The plan likely comes in response to the massive uptick of illegal migration witnessed along the Central Mediterranean this year.