China has rearranged the power balance in the Middle East, leaving the U.S. and its main regional ally, Israel, isolated.
The Federal Reserve, eager to not let a good crisis go to waste, is using the SVB crisis to quietly turn on the money supply faucet again.
Those previously hailing the reform as a step against right-wing populism are now flustered by the notion that they too will undergo the same scrutiny of their revenue sources.
The updated strategy demands European military integration through joint naval patrols to defend against potential Russian aggression.
“The name of the game is containment now,” German MEP Markus Ferber said, referring to the fear that’s spreading faster than the actual problem.
With more talks due on Saturday it appears the EU is still powerless to break the long-running diplomatic deadlock, in spite of both countries’ desire to join the bloc.
The suspension has raised questions over the BBC’s impartiality and future justification for the UK’s licence fee, which generates £3.8 billion of income for the station annually.
Undercover investigation helped crack down on the conspirators, just two days after the White House warned the plot was underway.
Pope Francis’ 10th anniversary was heralded by news from the German Catholic Church that it will now be blessing same-sex couples.
Farmers will get a better deal. A relieved Flemish Prime Minister Jan Jambon (N-VA) said “it was a long and difficult road, but the result is what counts.”
The central and regional administrations in Spain are blaming each other for the delays.
The deal is part of the trilateral AUKUS defense partnership, which the U.S. views as a counterbalance to China’s increasing boldness in the Indo-Pacific.