Prince Carl Philip was born in 1979 as Crown Prince of Sweden but lost that title a year later due to the changed law.
It is really very simple. You get what you incentivize, and with Viktor Orbán’s pro-family welfare policies in place, the Hungarian population is bound to see positive results.
One of the major problems for businesses that survived the pandemic is that many of them had significant back taxes to pay.
Given the high level of economic integration in Europe, it is unlikely that a recession will be confined to half the continent.
According to reports, 63 people were killed in gang-related shootings last year in Sweden.
Tyranny can grow in the soil of freedom—all it takes is planting the wrong seeds.
Marie Torstensson Levander, professor of criminology at Malmö University, says politicians do not take the problem seriously enough.
Based on the news site’s account of international data, the number of U.S. abortion survivors left to die is presumably higher than reported.
The long list of social benefits in the U.S. operate on a socialist ideological basis: they elevate the standard of living of the gainfully employed with lower incomes and have higher-income citizens pay for it.
It is suggested that students generally would do better in Malmö’s schools if they were allowed to take classes in their native language instead of in Swedish.
Sweden has failed to focus fiscal policy on economic growth. Employment is now falling, and there is a debt bomb about to explode in the economy.
The fire started during the church service and was reported to the churchgoers by the pastor. An evacuation ensued but was complicated by ropes used to tie the doors shut.