Introducing the Renminbi Liquidity Arrangement (RLA), which is aimed squarely at supplanting the dollar.
The default has been reported as “mostly symbolic” of “the worst economic contraction” in Russia in many years; Russian President Vladimir Putin has a different account of the Russian economy.
In keeping with the Conference on the Future of Europe, the EU seeks to take a lead in how children are educated about the EU, its history, and why it exists, and to develop an EU-wide and euro-centric approach to education.
One indication as to which way the negotiations are moving relies on whether or not the Swedish and Finnish representatives will be allowed to participate in the NATO proceedings without the right to vote, or be forced to wait outside.
Funded in part by the U.S. government, a coalition of seemingly respectable organizations has vowed to keep Orbán’s national conservatism from inspiring followers in the Western Balkans.
“The European Commission may rule lithium to be toxic. If it does, there will be widespread repercussions for Europe’s fledgling EV car and battery industries.”
According to two Swedish pastors, God is a polyamorous relationship. Therefore, the Church of Sweden must accept polyamory on the same level as monogamy.
If the Bulgarian parliament fires the prime minister, it may spell doom for the country’s plans to enter the euro zone in 2024.
In the face of a new debt crisis, the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and the ECB cannot return to buying large amounts of sovereign debt. The central banks saved indebted governments a decade ago. They can’t do it again. But there are other means at their disposal.
Now is the time for us to connect government incursions into our spiritual lives with its incursions into our economic lives.
Compared to the American economy, Europe is slow to get through the post-pandemic recovery, but these GDP numbers show that it is actually happening—almost everywhere, that is. The paltry numbers out of Germany, Italy, and Spain, three of the largest economies in Europe, tell us that these three countries have become a drag on the European economy.
Although this new minimum-wage agreement is not legally binding, it will in all likelihood be treated as such by the EU institutions. We can expect the price floor on labor to be frequently updated and rise regardless of whether businesses can afford it or not.