The Ugly Face of Immigration
The real question we should be asking in terms of illegal immigration is (Suella Braverman aside) whether incompetence is genuinely sufficient to explain Tory feebleness in the face of this problem?
The real question we should be asking in terms of illegal immigration is (Suella Braverman aside) whether incompetence is genuinely sufficient to explain Tory feebleness in the face of this problem?
We have become, it appears, a people who simply accept arbitrary power as a satisfactory substitute for due process and the rule of law. If that is the case, then the looming tyranny under which we shall soon be toiling is one we entirely deserve.
According to the Catholic faith, humanity is only fully realised in God—whatever humanity Professor Mazzucato brings to the Academy while being an atheist can only be a truncated and wounded humanity. Why then honour it as an example or trust it as a compass?
Homophobic coward or anti-Muslim islamophobe? For players of the Football World Cup in Qatar, moral grandstanding just got complicated.
Mearsheimer warned of the dangers of escalation, saying: “If the West is successful and pushes the Russians back East, and if the sanctions begin to bite, the Russians will escalate—and there’s a good chance that they will use nuclear weapons.”
The connivance of the establishment Left (and, though less explicitly, the Right as well) with the long-term strengthening of separatism has been a feature, not a bug, of Spanish democracy.
The term ‘democracy’ no longer refers to a system of government held above ideological bias. Increasingly, it is being misused as a synonym for an election won by ‘the preferred ideology.’ That ideology is socialism.
The troubles of this winter may cause Europeans to search for leadership alternatives focused more on national interests. The politics of Hungary and Italy may spread across the continent, with a rise of conservative victories.
The U.S. government currently appears to be engaged in a slow-paced disclosure program. It is time for the rest of us to entertain the possibility that UFOs are extraterrestrial.
It is simply unacceptable to spend seven years examining the most virulent scourge of our society, and conclude that there are no pieces to connect.
The #SaccageParis movement deserves our full attention. It is an example of a parallel democracy that is fundamentally rooted in—and desires to preserve—identity and heritage. In short, it is a conservative movement.
The madness of transgender children is the culmination of an ideological delusion that has been with us for many years. It is based on the erroneous idea that we can free ourselves from the sexual differences that are rooted in the bodies of men and women.
The convinced of Macronism have already shown themselves in the first round. Those who will vote for him out of duty have shrunk to a trickle. Anti-Macronism is on its way to being more powerful than a vote for Le Pen.
This latest triumph of Fidesz, the fourth time it achieved a two-thirds victory, may further corroborate theories that Orbán’s Fidesz was to become the centrist party of a new era, to remain in power for an extended period of time, continuing the Hungarian political historical tradition.
When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, media was brimming with stories about how he had somehow colluded with
For many months, the re-election of Emmanuel Macron has been taken for granted. But the French hate it when a scenario is imposed on them in advance.
Both Zemmour and Le Pen have tweeted about the possibility that this could be an anti-Semitic second or third-degree murder and that its late arrival on the news cycle could be premeditated.
Why endure work routine, long commutes, and hated bosses if one has an opportunity to sit back and enjoy even larger payments from the government? Not only is it simple, but it is also often more profitable.
Rather than sinking further into debt to maintain current, high levels of government spending, it is time for Europe’s leaders to fundamentally reconsider their economic and social policies. It is time for them to adopt an entirely new program for economic prosperity.
War plunges us into the depths of the darkness inflicted by man; but it also allows us to resurrect eternal forgotten truths. Among them is the reality that women are the sanctuary of life.
To highlight the basic nature of crypto currencies, we will focus on the two most popular: Bitcoin and Ethereum. These two cryptos differ much in the same way as gold-standard currency differs from fiat currency.
After the “death of God,” attested to by various 19th century philosophers, paganism is filling the vacuum left by Christianity. The problem with all this is not that it might disappear, something that will only concern believers; but rather that Christian civilization, Christendom, is crumbling