The Center Cannot Hold
The center of Western politics is dead, and the ones who killed it are the managerial liberals who lived by lies—and believed their own lies.
The center of Western politics is dead, and the ones who killed it are the managerial liberals who lived by lies—and believed their own lies.
While the Court ruled correctly in this case, it fails to recognize the duty of states to reject assisted suicide.
“It is up to us, the European right, to enforce the will of European voters.”
The Tories only harm themselves when they say Labour has “no plans.”
The Hungarian presidency of the EU Council can place demography at the heart of European policy making.
The Republican candidate for president played a brilliant rhetorical game with the sitting president. It made Biden look exactly as weak and ill-suited for a second term as he is.
This is bad news for the Conservatives. But it’s far worse for democracy.
Local representatives of state have transformed themselves into a militant clique driven by ideological concerns.
For our elites, the problem is not that English folk music is too ‘white,’ it’s that such a thing as England ever existed at all.
Officials know the issue is open for debate, but pretend that it’s not—to hurt Reform.
For the first time, a German police officer has died in an Islamist attack. Germany should pause to mourn the loss of a brave young man. And then, it is time to finally address the policy that is leading the country to the abyss.
This is much more than a faraway war. The battle to defend civilisation is also being waged inside the gates of the European citadel.
While a joyous community of kaleidoscopic gay disciples captured under the latest acronym sounds idyllic, a cursory analysis of its component groups makes it clear that this may just be the least harmonious smorgasbord in history.
The guilty verdict against Trump is a crucial watershed moment for America, politically, constitutionally, and morally.
Every one of the muddled ideological systems that has informed the structure of the modern State has been nothing more than a counterfeit religion.
The ongoing popularity of Hergé’s work has as much to do with nostalgia for a lost world as the adventure stories that he tells.
Once again, Crimea is the focal point of a global power struggle, yet the Crimean War (1853-1856) is rarely remembered.
“He is the true conservative: he even created a revolution in order to be a reactionary.”
With all the attacks on Trump in the past year alone, his political opponents must be utterly terrified at his return to the White House. I would like to know what they are hiding.
Parties on the serious Right want nothing more and nothing less than a return to normality.
The process of the Islamization and Arabization of Egypt started when Arab Muslims invaded in the 7th century