German Politics in Troubled Waters
The left-wing coalition government looks fatally wounded. But will a fractured Right replace it?
The left-wing coalition government looks fatally wounded. But will a fractured Right replace it?
While the rest of the nation looked on in horror at the pro-Hamas marches, Corbyn sat back licking his lips.
To the shame of Europe, the International Court of Justice at The Hague is now the theatre for a staged political show trial.
Trump has consistently refused to take part in the debates, yet still comes out on top.
The moral corruption of the Vatican elites appears to have reached a new low with the revelations over a 1998 book written by Cardinal Fernández.
Houellebecq may be decadent in his personal life, but no novelist sees Europe’s religious crisis with clearer eyes.
The neocon political machine has decided that Nikki Haley can defeat Donald Trump in the primaries. But does she really have a chance to do it?
It’s very easy to denigrate the memory of those who made our present blessings possible.
The pope’s ten predecessors knew that Marxism was radically incompatible with Catholicism.
Argentina’s new political cycle offers a window of opportunity for those who believe in truth, goodness, and beauty.
“This is not the time for parties, it is the time to put aside our differences to defend the nation.”
Trying to suppress views we find repugnant is no solution at all; banning something is not the same as defeating it.
The men who perished at Ypres and the Somme, the Scheldt and Arnhem, died defending a Christian civilization.
Francesca Albanese is all the rage on Italian TV as an anti-Israel pundit, but she is hiding her conflict of interest.
It is a superficially attractive position, but it’s hard to run a cohesive society on the basis of libertarianism.
The demonstrations against Pedro Sánchez are a true expression of Spanish patriotism.
Azerbaijan has driven Armenians out of their ancestral homeland.
We should stand with Israel against genocidal Islamists, and for Western civilisation against the forces of barbarism, old and new.
We have a fifth column in our midst. Now we see the true face of the enemy: radical Islam.
A now-sacked advisor led chants of “from the river to the sea.”
Israel’s President is right; if they lose, Europe’s next.
There is a great irony in how the auto industry relies on its most fuel-thirsty vehicles in order to afford building EVs.