In Praise of Conspiracy Theories: From The Camp of the Saints to Camps in the Darién Gap
“We have to stop punishing ourselves for considering things that once seemed crazy,” says Bret Weinstein.
“We have to stop punishing ourselves for considering things that once seemed crazy,” says Bret Weinstein.
Brussels has taken of the gloves with a blackmail plan to destroy Hungary’s economy.
From Eagle Pass to Lampedusa: As goes the Rio Grande, so goes the Mediterranean?
A dreadful Trump-Biden match-up seems like old times for Louisiana voters
Houellebecq may be decadent in his personal life, but no novelist sees Europe’s religious crisis with clearer eyes.
The pope’s ten predecessors knew that Marxism was radically incompatible with Catholicism.
History shows that we are unlikely to accept decline as a permanent state. If our current ruling class won’t stop it, sooner or later, majorities will clamor for someone who will.
The termites have been feasting on rot of the American establishment for a long time.
What will it take to wake decent people up and take an active stand against this barbarism?
“Like the totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century, the new Leviathans are engineers of souls.”—John Gray
Any Irish person who has a critical thought about the mass migration overtaking the country better keep his mouth shut and not write, tweet, or TikTok anything about it, or face prison.
What would happen if enough people stopped believing the narratives promulgated by the ruling class and its media?
Election forecasters weren’t prepared for the victory because fondness for Wilders is considered ‘distasteful’ by the Dutch ruling class. Backing Wilders is like wearing a red MAGA cap in downtown Manhattan.
What critics miss about the Muslim-turned-atheist’s dramatic conversion
It is a superficially attractive position, but it’s hard to run a cohesive society on the basis of libertarianism.
“After this research I had a much more visceral, almost literal, sense of religion and religious practice.”
This flood cannot be escaped, only survived. This is why we must build arks: to carry us across the raging waters to dry land in the future.
The evidence of what we in the West have done, and our cowardice, is now visible on the streets.
Gaza shouldn’t receive a single cent from the West until the hostages are free. But you watch: we’re all going to throw money down that sinkhole.
When will we talk about the death-loving homegrown radicals we have coddled and indulged within our leading institutions of thought and culture?
This is how Francis changes doctrine without changing doctrine. If you have lost the culture, neither canon law nor tradition can hold back the flood.