Against a National Loyalty Divorced from the Sacred
Until the conversation orbits the sacrality of what Roger Scruton called ‘homecoming,’ we will be stuck with a politics of empty promises.
Until the conversation orbits the sacrality of what Roger Scruton called ‘homecoming,’ we will be stuck with a politics of empty promises.
Modernism, in art as in politics, can be integrated into a traditional understanding of man and society’s spiritual dimension.
When a banana duct-taped to a wall is juxtaposed against a Monet, the absurdity of this cultural revolution is starkly apparent.
If it exists, where is the unseen world located?
Pentecost and the blessing of the nations in their particularity is a judgement against the false unity of tyrants.
In less than 80 minutes, Cavalleria rusticana alone establishes Mascagni as a composer worth our attention.
Is it better to deny an immigrant entry to a country on the basis of who they are or what they believe?
The Door compels the reader to ask himself if love between two people is always healthy?
As long as there is a need to support weak-willed centrists, our troops will play a false alliance in pursuit of Pyrrhic victory.
Our elites seek to conquer human difference by silencing the conscience and destroying bonds of mutual dependence.
The Church must take more seriously its power to curse God’s enemies, for their sake and for ours.
Mitterrand once said, “Beware of judges. They killed the monarchy. They will kill the Republic.”
There is an immensely wide gulf between Mozart’s prodigious talent and Nakamura’s incomprehensible whining.
For Aggie Madaras Kuperman, the question of her own life’s meaning was bound up with her father.
Un-tethered from the ‘male gaze,’ female beauty standards go the way of postmodern pastiche.
Men who want to build civilisations must not only dedicate themselves to worship and study, but they must train.
Puccini was a complex man with a distinctly dark side. This is also reflected in almost all his operas.
We must work to build a completely new movement and ecosystem that transcends Left and Right.
Dignitas Infinita attempts to show that human dignity cannot be manipulated to promote an ideology.
When a brave dissident spoke against the communist colossus, it shook in fear!
Why do Europe’s Catholic bishops support the EU?
I knew that Portugal—the great Portugal of the Discoveries and the Empire—was over.
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