The Carl Schmitt Craze
The return of Schmitt is no cause for panic.
The debate between Cassirer and Heidegger was one of the most momentous moments in the history of Western philosophy.
The ancients believed in journeys to other worlds that were the ultimate destination of every immortal soul.
The Genesis story about fallen angels engendering giants tells us a great deal about modern politics.
The pantheon of old heroes is being cleared to make room for icons of the Sexual Revolution.
Post-Marxist historiography has insisted on the role of the outside world as the driving force behind the 1964 coup, but in truth their genesis was national and nationalist.
One gets the impression that the peoples of Europe are the only indigenous peoples without a right to exist.
The Italian Church used to be preserved from secularisation, but this blessed time seems over.
Casablanca is not about passion, but about altruistic love, animated by the rare spirit of sacrifice.
Perhaps we do not need a new and very different St. Benedict. We need old-fashioned, traditional Benedictines, and we need them everywhere.
Auguste Rodin’s friendship with an American bodybuilder shows the close relationship between the sport and art.
Ronald Reagan knew how to be a great president.
When man’s nature is reduced to sophisticated machinery, there remains no place for the heart.
America’s literary icons produced great stories; but their real lives were also cautionary tales.
Poetry is in rough shape—but why?
The ‘serious’ Rossini still does not get the appreciation he deserves in the opera world.
In spite of all the apparent counterevidence, we Christians must support political pluralism because of our faith and our experience.
Conservatism comes from our natural human dispositions, but it can also emerge from our reflection on history and on the human condition.
The pain of exilic experience makes the temporary and fragile nature of all terrestrial homes more palpable.
Many women think that motherhood and professional life are mutually exclusive—the marriage of Rousseau and Wollstonecraft can perhaps provide an antidote.
As Page’s fame grew, nobody knew what predatory men in Hollywood were doing to her.
The best way to be European is to be Spanish, German, Italian, or whatever nationality one is.