The Source of All Blessings
The Cross is the most awful sign the world has ever known, and the only sign that brings victory and hope: “In hoc signo vinces.”
The Cross is the most awful sign the world has ever known, and the only sign that brings victory and hope: “In hoc signo vinces.”
Many conservatives hold something approaching old Cavalier principles, but they are no more influential than their predecessors were under Cromwell.
Familiarity with the artistic canon is essential for those who would create it.
How do they cope with having a last name synonymous in the minds of millions with breathtaking evil?
The difficulty that a Jordan Peterson or an Andrew Tate have articulating faith in God is paradigmatic of the West’s decline.
The victorious ideals of 1688 and 1776 are bound together.
Dante’s depiction of song conveys an essential truth about music’s relationship to the divine.
Who needs Hell when you have Davos?
Chega managed to break the siege and assert itself as an instrument of protest by the ‘people’ against ‘the regime.’
Conservatives shouldn’t be afraid of this movement despite its obvious paganism.
The Adagio gives a totally distorted picture of Albinoni and his music.
Guinea-Bissau is politically unstable and plagued by drug traffickers. The president himself may be implicated in the violence.
The native population of Cyprus—with Turkish involvement—is currently facing demographic replacement by Muslim migrants.
Could the convenience of an ‘everything app’ be reproduced without actually concentrating the ownership of data?
Despite all the pious talk about helping Ukraine, it seems that the asset-poor but culturally rich Christian nation of Armenia must fend for itself.
A truly conservative government would have done everything in its power to protect our historic towns and rural landscape.
Historian Richard Pipes argued that Russia is firmly rooted in an imperialist and authoritarian tradition.
Our sacred places are being turned into meaningless chambers fit for any base purpose.
Common descent from the Ancient Rus is largely the spiritus movens of Putin’s expansionism.
Abortion survivors speak into the appalling silence left by those murdered millions.
To achieve total commodification, sentimentality, difference, and tradition must be eradicated in favour of seamless efficiency.
A brief reconsideration of Peter Thiel’s justly famous essay may help us understand why, in politics, there is only the Straussian moment.