Everywhere Is California
While we need not succumb to Adorno’s demoralizing miserabilism, we might agree with him that modern life is profoundly damaged in ways both subtle and overt.
While we need not succumb to Adorno’s demoralizing miserabilism, we might agree with him that modern life is profoundly damaged in ways both subtle and overt.
University campuses are merely magnifying glasses of ongoing, wider societal dilemmas.
Malory, like Galahad, understands an important truth: that the ultimate end of the political common good is the spiritual common good.
If anyone wishes to conquer the giants of their own vices, they must, like Don Quixote, take up the lance, the shield, draw down the visor, and mount Rocinante.
Media-friendly illegal immigrants [are] quick to make a practice of blaming France and the French should anything unfortunate befall them. …. One thinks of burglars who sue a landlord because they break a leg in his poorly lit stairwell.
FROM THE FALL 2023 PRINT EDITION: In crossing the threshold into Middle-earth, I stepped into a moral cosmos unlike the relativist world in which I resided.
The complex and controversial legacy of Miklós Horthy defies translation.
VOX’s Jorge Buxade argued that the state cannot exercise a power not expressly recognized by law.
A look at three representatives of Spanish conservatism: Donoso Cortés, Ramiro de Maeztu, and Elias de Tejada.
The monstrosities in Israel crowd out moral ambivalence, but there are those whose bloodlust was merely whetted.
In the Barbie sequel, Ken—the avatar simp of Western man’s collective unconscious—emerges into the physical realm to claim his birthright.
In the Christian narrative, all nature was placed under the jurisdiction of the devil following man’s fall from grace. The wilderness is not where the cathedral is found but likely where a hive of demons awaits.
The Albanian Democratic Party seeks to preserve our nation, the family, our cultural traditions, and religious diversity.
Camus rejects the idea that le grand remplacement is a conspiracy. It’s not a conspiracy; it’s an observation.
Instead of filling the void left by the loss of belief in truly extra-terrestrial beings—the angels and saints—with sci-fi inventions, we should strive to “re-enchant” the world with the content of Christian revelation.
If you want to understand the many-symptomed sickness that has overtaken modern culture, and begin finding our way to a cure, there is perhaps no better secular guide than Iain McGilchrist.
A historic Hungarian community on Ukraine’s western edge considers its future in times of war.
The men of Europe are suffering. Due to the lack of recognition of what male depression actually looks like, and the lack of male professionals equipped with the tools to help men, we should expect this suffering to continue unabated.
Witness the rise of the NPC: we take a look at a fresh example of how a terminally-online generation is being fed to the all-monetizing void of the Internet.
From the descriptions of Greek philosophy found in the research of both Pierre Hadot and Anton Dumitriu, we are confronted with a startling emphasis on the ‘practical,’ that is, the ‘experimental’ dimension of philosophy.
The powers-that-be dislike inherited forms, like the feminine woman and the masculine man, whose roles and relationships escape their control.
FROM THE SUMMER 2023 PRINT EDITION: We need to educate people to understand that the culture they have is a product of human history and choice, and to see that, beyond gratitude to their ancestors, they also have obligations to those who will come after them.