The Metaphysics of Laissez Faire: Christianity and Pluralism
Liberalism inherited a Christian psychology but, having jettisoned the Rock of Ages, built its political theory upon the sand.
Liberalism inherited a Christian psychology but, having jettisoned the Rock of Ages, built its political theory upon the sand.
To the extent that America and its allies have an interest in an unthreatened NATO, a tranquil East Asia, and nuclear non-proliferation, they also have an interest in Ukrainian victory.
The truth appears to be that Irish Catholicism was easy to abandon, because it seemed so hard to love.
Leftists who claim Orwell as their own would likely be surprised to discover that he was very socially conservative.
Fr. Tiso’s career, for all its failings, was a catalyst in the formation of the modern Slovak state.
Those who can see past their prejudices will discern in Twombly’s work a revolutionary aesthetic experience, where movement flows hot and red in a thrilling abstraction of Italian futurism.
We are the first to live in a completely new era that no longer wants anything to do with the thinking of the ancestors, but is based entirely on a new spirit and new values.
If the most dramatic change brought by mass migration is seen in European ethno-cultural identity, the most concrete, immediate, and undeniable consequence is the rise in violence and crime.
The sad fact is that the Church has lost faith in the Gospel. That is why it seeks to promote a new gospel of inclusion, equality, and environmentalism. The best way to survive the synod is simply to ignore it.
The integralism of post-liberal Catholics risks reducing to an abstractionist exercise what is known by experience and cultural induction, thereby perpetuating the age of ideological squabbles which they ought to be repudiating in entirety.
Christ is the salvation for the shipwrecked. Clinging to Him will keep us afloat in a shipwrecked world. The order He brings gives the martyr the ability to lay down his life, the sorrowful to find hope, and the grieving to find peace that the world can never give.
The good news is, the Sarum Rite and ample commentaries on how to offer it remain in existence. It’s all there, waiting to be brought back to the Sceptred Isle once more.
By writing about my favorite Italian composers, placing the greatest Italian masterpieces in their historical context and listing the finest performances known to me, I hope to pass on the best of myself as a music scholar and concert organizer.
It is as if in this global chaos, a new era of empires is looming and small European nations with a strong sense of identity will have to reaffirm their unwavering commitment to freedom.
St. John’s Day, June 24th, is a high point of medicinal magic; the assembling and sealing of diverse ointments and oils, gels and gums, to be used throughout the year.
Dugin, far from being the champion of Christianity against modernity, in reality promises Satanic ‘divinization’ through acts of demonic evil.
What can the world expect of the new Finnish conservative government, and how European conservatives can support their peers in Finland?
As the canonization process for this native American Catholic medicine man remains open, we take a look at the Biblical patterns in Black Elk’s visions.
The lord of the underworld and his Persephone stand before the stark fruits of Puritanism and modern industry.
Twelve years since officially forswearing violence, ETA terrorists have mastered the political fray.
By locating the essence of traditional architecture in the primacy of character over concrete—the pattern we see over the material we don’t—Semper championed particularity over uniformity.
An increasing number of young men have traded in actual, physical friendships for artificial interactions online. Isolated and starved of human interaction, these young men are living lives of abject misery. Isolating oneself from broader society is, in many ways, an early death sentence.