Why Central Europe Must Unite
The mutual resentments of the past two centuries must be dropped if these countries are to retain their own identities.
The mutual resentments of the past two centuries must be dropped if these countries are to retain their own identities.
Nippon Kaigi is leading a movement to enlarge the role of the emperor and reaffirm a conservative nationalism.
The hero must absorb the monster’s magical power so that he can defeat other great monsters.
Let’s not let wine be ‘great-replaced’ by cannabis and tequila: it is a matter of civilisation!
Oikophilia allows us to bring across the threshold things and institutions that endure even as civilization crumbles.
A blind adherence to old forms is the path to sterility and death, we must instead act as emissaries of the living flame we possess by virtue of our singular relationship with its past.
Two stories of young kings provide a surprisingly prescient lesson for politics today.
In a span of a few weeks, I was confronted with two distinct views on death and two distinct ways of dying. In one was the illusion of self-mastery; in the other, the radical surrender of self.
The most striking difference between “Las Meninas” and Mazo’s “Familia del pintor” is the juxtaposition of families depicted.
In recovering a superior science of human action, we will nourish a more reasonable politics. Cicero points the way.
Two stories of young kings provide a surprisingly prescient lesson for politics today.
In a span of a few weeks, I was confronted with two distinct views on death and two distinct ways of dying. In one was the illusion of self-mastery; in the other, the radical surrender of self.
The most striking difference between “Las Meninas” and Mazo’s “Familia del pintor” is the juxtaposition of families depicted.
In recovering a superior science of human action, we will nourish a more reasonable politics. Cicero points the way.
A government’s primary obligation is to the native people.
I understand that by reading late in the night, I am transformed into what I am reading.
Popper’s falsification theory could help combat data-free ideas that undermine our societies.
It becomes difficult to distinguish civilisation from savagery when elements of both lie intermingled in our midst.
Britain, like Europe, is suffering from a spiritual decay which manifests in the deterioration of its built environment.
To escape the cycle of hysterics, we need to recover an ancient approach to politics.
It is ironic—and ultimately tragic—that in Spain, as across the West, the popular imagination increasingly fails to distinguish between ‘memory’ and facts.