Rumors of Resignation Continue to Swirl Around Pope Francis
Francis’ coterie of cardinals is known to largely agree with his vision of a more ‘progressive’ and ‘inclusive’ Church.
Francis’ coterie of cardinals is known to largely agree with his vision of a more ‘progressive’ and ‘inclusive’ Church.
Ukrainian forces are in the stage of shaping operations to push back against Russian occupation in the south.
Germany’s gas levy was meant to help large energy providers in financial distress, but after learning that successful companies who continue to make billions of profits applied for support as well, the levy will be reworked.
Some 30 high profile SPD politicians, including MPs, MEPs, mayors, state chairmen, and members of state parliament, signed the letter.
Actor Shia LaBeouf credits experiencing the Latin Mass as a major contributing factor to his conversion to Catholicism. Left-wing media is fuming while issuing a last warning about the “deeply toxic” environment LaBeouf is getting himself into.
The development of a synthetic mouse embryo from stem cells to the stage of developing organs raises hopes among the scientific community that the time for such experiments with human embryos is near.
Kosovo wants to apply for membership in the EU, the Council of Europe, and NATO, but not all EU members recognize Kosovarian independence, which will be an obstacle hard to overcome.
The announcement comes only days before PM Boris Johnson’s successor is announced. Johnson has thus far undertaken little action in resolving the crisis, leaving this farrago for the next prime minister to untangle instead.
In the past year, alone, energy prices in France and Germany have increased by more than 1000%.
The proportion of Ukrainian refugees who are women and children stands in stark contrast with the high percentage of young adult men received across Europe during the migrant crisis of 2015 and 2016.
“We agree with the Americans that gas should not be used as a geopolitical weapon,” the German chancellor said.
Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven said he would resign in November.
Iraq and the Sahel could be the next crisis regions.
Campaigners launched a petition for a referendum on the issue.
“We are deeply worried about Afghan women and girls, their rights to education, work and freedom of movement,” read the statement.
President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said: “We are experiencing a human tragedy for which we share responsibility.”
Lithuania said: “We cannot tolerate this bold provocation.”
Poland’s ambassador to Israel has been recalled until further notice, the foreign ministry said.
EU foreign ministers hold emergency talks via videolink Tuesday on the situation in Afghanistan.
The new Polish law would make it much harder to get back confiscated property.
After the sudden collapse of the Afghan government, Western countries try to evacuate their people from the country.
Angela Merkel will step in to help conservative Armin Laschet in his bid to succeed her as German chancellor as he sinks in the polls.