Welcome to the new europeanconservative.com. We are the Brussels-based daily news and comment website with a difference, committed to reclaiming and advancing the founding principles of European civilisation—and fighting for the future of a free and democratic Europe.
As we enter 2025, there is good news and not-so-good news for us to report about the changing world. On the downside, the world economy is teetering on the edge of crisis again, not least in the European Union. And global geopolitics is becoming an unstable minefield, with rival power blocs manoeuvring against the background of war in Ukraine and the Middle East.
The good news is that politics in Europe and the West is also changing—for the better. We are witnessing a growing national-populist revolt against the old discredited political establishment. europeanconservative.com aims to give a voice to the populist revolt from the EU and the UK to the U.S.
The daily coverage from our Brussels news bureau and international writers will be informed by the principles on which europeanconservative.com stands: for democracy, national sovereignty, free speech, and the values of Judeo-Christian civilisation.
We stand for democracy as defined by its Ancient Greek inventors: the union of the demos—the people—and kratos—power or control. We will oppose and expose the political elitists in Brussels and beyond who would keep those two elements as far apart as possible.
We are at the dawn of a new European ‘Spring of Nations’ or ‘People’s Spring.’ The first one, in 1848, was marked by a series of national-democratic revolutions against the ancient regimes that led to important reforms, such as the final abolition of serfdom in Hungary.
Europe’s new People’s Spring is a democratic uprising against the leftist Brussels oligarchs and their allies, who have imposed destructive policies from mass immigration to Net Zero on millions of ordinary Europeans, whom they see as little more than modern-day serfs.
Our daily coverage will tell you what the conformist mainstream media won’t, expose the truth about what is happening within the Brussels ‘bubble,’ and decode what EU policies really mean for the lives of Europeans. We will judge Europe’s leaders by what they do, not what they say about themselves.
We stand for national sovereignty, the only basis on which democracy has ever thrived, by allowing a people to take control of their own affairs. We will insist that the national governments of Europe exist to serve those who elect them, not to follow the orders of unelected Brussels bureaucrats who hate national borders as a barrier to their globalist agenda.
We stand for unfettered freedom of speech, as the lifeblood of a free and democratic society. europeanconservative.com will defend the right to express unpopular and “offensive” opinions, against the rising tide of censorship and cancel culture. In particular, we will continue to expose the political elites’ war on “fake news” and “disinformation” online as simply their latest attempt to control and curtail democratic debate. Policing the language we use is their first step to controlling how we think and act.
And europeanconservative.com stands ready to fight the culture wars against Europe’s powerful woke zealots, on everything from trans ideology to ‘decolonising’ education. We will uphold real freedom and equality against the repressive and divisive bigotry of identity politics.
While reporting and commenting on these big issues, europeanconservative.com aims to be much more than a passive observer.
We will stand with the people against the establishment; with farmers, parents, and all those trying to defend basic European traditions and freedoms against woke culture warriors; and with the Israelis against Islamists and their useful idiots in the West, as the front line in the war between civilisation and barbarism.
The stakes are high in 2025. Every belief that has been fundamental to the development of our civilisation—from Western history to human biology, from Judeo-Christian culture to Enlightenment values—is now being called into question or condemned.
It has never been more important to uphold and develop the heritage of ideas that emerged through the historic evolution of Western society. Not because we dream of returning to the past, but to defend today the foundations on which we can build for tomorrow.
As an English journalist and editor of more than 40 years standing, I am proud and privileged to have been asked to take up the cudgels and become the new editor-in-chief of the new europeanconservative.com, raising a Europe-wide voice for freedom.
I am also something of a veteran of the struggle for democracy and national sovereignty, having worked in communications for Nigel Farage with both the Brexit Party, when we won the 2019 European elections, and Reform UK, during the breakthrough 2024 UK general election.
Alongside deputy editor Zsófia Tóth-Bíró, we will be developing a lot of new features and audio-visual content over the coming months. Watch this space, every day.
The wars that matter in 2025 are not only in Ukraine and the Middle East. We are also engaged in a political war for the soul of Europe, against those who would erase its past in order to control its future. It is a war that we can win, if we recognise what is at stake, stand by our principles, and refuse to be intimidated by those who will try to slur any opposition as “far-right” and want to turn populism into a dirty word.
Let our New Year message to all of them be: No Surrender.
Our New Year Message: No Surrender
Welcome to the new europeanconservative.com. We are the Brussels-based daily news and comment website with a difference, committed to reclaiming and advancing the founding principles of European civilisation—and fighting for the future of a free and democratic Europe.
As we enter 2025, there is good news and not-so-good news for us to report about the changing world. On the downside, the world economy is teetering on the edge of crisis again, not least in the European Union. And global geopolitics is becoming an unstable minefield, with rival power blocs manoeuvring against the background of war in Ukraine and the Middle East.
The good news is that politics in Europe and the West is also changing—for the better. We are witnessing a growing national-populist revolt against the old discredited political establishment. europeanconservative.com aims to give a voice to the populist revolt from the EU and the UK to the U.S.
The daily coverage from our Brussels news bureau and international writers will be informed by the principles on which europeanconservative.com stands: for democracy, national sovereignty, free speech, and the values of Judeo-Christian civilisation.
We stand for democracy as defined by its Ancient Greek inventors: the union of the demos—the people—and kratos—power or control. We will oppose and expose the political elitists in Brussels and beyond who would keep those two elements as far apart as possible.
We are at the dawn of a new European ‘Spring of Nations’ or ‘People’s Spring.’ The first one, in 1848, was marked by a series of national-democratic revolutions against the ancient regimes that led to important reforms, such as the final abolition of serfdom in Hungary.
Europe’s new People’s Spring is a democratic uprising against the leftist Brussels oligarchs and their allies, who have imposed destructive policies from mass immigration to Net Zero on millions of ordinary Europeans, whom they see as little more than modern-day serfs.
Our daily coverage will tell you what the conformist mainstream media won’t, expose the truth about what is happening within the Brussels ‘bubble,’ and decode what EU policies really mean for the lives of Europeans. We will judge Europe’s leaders by what they do, not what they say about themselves.
We stand for national sovereignty, the only basis on which democracy has ever thrived, by allowing a people to take control of their own affairs. We will insist that the national governments of Europe exist to serve those who elect them, not to follow the orders of unelected Brussels bureaucrats who hate national borders as a barrier to their globalist agenda.
We stand for unfettered freedom of speech, as the lifeblood of a free and democratic society. europeanconservative.com will defend the right to express unpopular and “offensive” opinions, against the rising tide of censorship and cancel culture. In particular, we will continue to expose the political elites’ war on “fake news” and “disinformation” online as simply their latest attempt to control and curtail democratic debate. Policing the language we use is their first step to controlling how we think and act.
And europeanconservative.com stands ready to fight the culture wars against Europe’s powerful woke zealots, on everything from trans ideology to ‘decolonising’ education. We will uphold real freedom and equality against the repressive and divisive bigotry of identity politics.
While reporting and commenting on these big issues, europeanconservative.com aims to be much more than a passive observer.
We will stand with the people against the establishment; with farmers, parents, and all those trying to defend basic European traditions and freedoms against woke culture warriors; and with the Israelis against Islamists and their useful idiots in the West, as the front line in the war between civilisation and barbarism.
The stakes are high in 2025. Every belief that has been fundamental to the development of our civilisation—from Western history to human biology, from Judeo-Christian culture to Enlightenment values—is now being called into question or condemned.
It has never been more important to uphold and develop the heritage of ideas that emerged through the historic evolution of Western society. Not because we dream of returning to the past, but to defend today the foundations on which we can build for tomorrow.
As an English journalist and editor of more than 40 years standing, I am proud and privileged to have been asked to take up the cudgels and become the new editor-in-chief of the new europeanconservative.com, raising a Europe-wide voice for freedom.
I am also something of a veteran of the struggle for democracy and national sovereignty, having worked in communications for Nigel Farage with both the Brexit Party, when we won the 2019 European elections, and Reform UK, during the breakthrough 2024 UK general election.
Alongside deputy editor Zsófia Tóth-Bíró, we will be developing a lot of new features and audio-visual content over the coming months. Watch this space, every day.
The wars that matter in 2025 are not only in Ukraine and the Middle East. We are also engaged in a political war for the soul of Europe, against those who would erase its past in order to control its future. It is a war that we can win, if we recognise what is at stake, stand by our principles, and refuse to be intimidated by those who will try to slur any opposition as “far-right” and want to turn populism into a dirty word.
Let our New Year message to all of them be: No Surrender.
The Europeanist Rewriting of History: From a National Narrative to a Woke Nightmare
Persecuted to Death? Welcome to Tusk’s Poland
NGOs: Anti-Democratic Mercenaries of the EU Elite