‘We will stop the ideological steamroller in Europe’: VOX MEP Jorge Buxadé
“The tide has turned: citizens reject progressive policies and the woke ideology.”
“The tide has turned: citizens reject progressive policies and the woke ideology.”
The summit was sponsored by an alliance of the EU political party European Conservatives and Reformists and conservative Latin American leaders to focus on a counteroffensive for freedom.
Buxadé, on behalf of the ECR, ID, and NI groupings, denounced the LIBE committee’s report and slammed the Parliament for fashioning itself as a tool for political activism against Hungary.
“Centuries ago the elites took to the battlefield. Now they hide in the Tower of Babel and send Europeans to the slaughterhouse,” VOX MEP Jorge Buxadé said as he excoriated an assembly of globalist parliamentarians in Strasbourg.