Truss was ridiculed for wearing furs in Moscow during a thaw. It’s an apt metaphor for her—no matter the weather, she’ll wear furs to Moscow because Thatcher did, and no matter the economic forecast, she’ll cut taxes because Thatcher did.
The Swedish government is aiming to put a blanket ban in place where there will be no new schools of any faith. This restriction is reminiscent of the educational oppression that Christians face in Cuba, Libya, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia.
Liz Truss should be able to build up enough support from MPs to carry her, beyond Mordaunt, into second place.
At every turn the British people vote for parties and provisions which purport to stand in their interests. But no referenda or election halts the displacement and radical deconstruction of our culture.
Trailing Rishi Sunak at the moment are Penny Mordaunt (82 votes), Liz Truss (71), and Kemi Badenoch (58).
As lovely as it is to see far-flung hamlets of stone houses reinhabited, it is also sometimes difficult to find in their tenuous revival a genuine re-founding of the traditional Europe of which they were originally a part.
Let us call a spade a spade: ending the tax treaty with Hungary is an act of punishment by Washington. If a country refuses to play by their rules, the U.S. administration will exclude, sanction, banish, and publicly flog the incalcitrant nation.
We are alarmed by the interference into the domestic politics of our democratic ally, as well as the anti-democratic excesses of EU politicians who continue to divide our society and question fundamental rights and freedoms.
Remember, you are not trying to establish an environment of tolerance and mutual-understanding. Like Isabella and Ferdinand, you are trying to recover the territory. Treat the new Left like people who hate you, because they do.
Mental confusion reigns in the minds of Anglican clergy. Language precautions and a deep-seated concern about crossing the boundaries of political correctness clearly distort common sense.
By sacking one of his best generals and replacing him with a ‘woke chic’ scholar when the country is already suffering from racial tensions, Macron gives the unsettling impression that France’s decadence is a settled issue.
Political theory has been reduced to a Manichean choice: either universalist human rights liberalism, shorn of any particular attachments (except during the Olympics) or expansionary, genocidal, blood and soil nationalism.
There are three reasons why stagflation is happening. The most compelling evidence is in some unique data that economists often ignore.
With Russia and China increasingly adopting Western ideological talking points and using them against us, it is time for us to question our commitment to a rhetoric that emulates the effectiveness of socialist countries.
We conservatives often identify ourselves by a set of principles and values: we honor family, faith, country, and tradition. The
In Andalusia, VOX was not really working to expand its electorate. It simply reinforced its existing messaging, retained its basic brand, and preserved its core voter base. In this way, it hoped to secure a coalition with the PP and avoid “stealing” too many votes, which might have divided the Right in parliament.
Three rampages by mentally ill people over the course of 48 hours shocked Germany last month, but the lax treatment of even the clinically psychotic may be symptomatic of a deeper societal crisis.
The EU wants to reduce its dependence on imported semiconductors and has announced a new major spending programme: the so-called “Chips Act.”
Strong U.S.-Moroccan relations make it difficult for Spain to gain clear assurances from NATO concerning the security of its north African territories. Insofar as these continue to be treated as a bargaining chip, subject to Morocco’s discretion, Spanish political elites are likely to offer concessions in other areas.
While big-drama issues proceeding from the Supreme Court make their way through the news cycle, an even bigger news story is quietly gaining speed. It is about President Biden and his weakening health.
If you flick through current affairs programming, you’ll find one misfit after another, pushing the most radical Left thought of the moment.
Signatories to the Convention must “abide by the final judgement of the court in any case to which they are parties.” Plans for an updated Bill of Rights offer no way around the fact that final rulings from Strasbourg have binding force in UK law.
Introducing the Renminbi Liquidity Arrangement (RLA), which is aimed squarely at supplanting the dollar.
Johnson lifted talking points from the wokesters’ playbook, calling Putin’s invasion of Ukraine “a perfect example of toxic masculinity” and urging the world to install “more women in positions of power.”
Tradition and conservatism are not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.
A technique the Left uses to increase control through public anxiety is to “set multiple fires along the ridgeline.” The public notices that the flames are spreading. Which fire does one run to first? What must be sacrificed and allowed to burn?
While there is now a general consensus among French politicians to maintain the right to abortion, there is no guarantee that it will be enshrined in the Constitution.
Never before has the national Right achieved such a result in France, to the point of surpassing the governmental Right. New perspectives are opening up for the party founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic should draw enormous encouragement from this decision, with the take-home lesson being that history need not be just a sequence of victories by the increasingly noxious Left.
Funded in part by the U.S. government, a coalition of seemingly respectable organizations has vowed to keep Orbán’s national conservatism from inspiring followers in the Western Balkans.