You don’t make promises you can’t keep. Nor do you keep an economic structure that can’t promise growth and prosperity.
The #SaccageParis movement deserves our full attention. It is an example of a parallel democracy that is fundamentally rooted in—and desires to preserve—identity and heritage. In short, it is a conservative movement.
The madness of transgender children is the culmination of an ideological delusion that has been with us for many years. It is based on the erroneous idea that we can free ourselves from the sexual differences that are rooted in the bodies of men and women.
The convinced of Macronism have already shown themselves in the first round. Those who will vote for him out of duty have shrunk to a trickle. Anti-Macronism is on its way to being more powerful than a vote for Le Pen.
This latest triumph of Fidesz, the fourth time it achieved a two-thirds victory, may further corroborate theories that Orbán’s Fidesz was to become the centrist party of a new era, to remain in power for an extended period of time, continuing the Hungarian political historical tradition.
When Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, media was brimming with stories about how he had somehow colluded with
For many months, the re-election of Emmanuel Macron has been taken for granted. But the French hate it when a scenario is imposed on them in advance.
Both Zemmour and Le Pen have tweeted about the possibility that this could be an anti-Semitic second or third-degree murder and that its late arrival on the news cycle could be premeditated.
Why endure work routine, long commutes, and hated bosses if one has an opportunity to sit back and enjoy even larger payments from the government? Not only is it simple, but it is also often more profitable.
Rather than sinking further into debt to maintain current, high levels of government spending, it is time for Europe’s leaders to fundamentally reconsider their economic and social policies. It is time for them to adopt an entirely new program for economic prosperity.
War plunges us into the depths of the darkness inflicted by man; but it also allows us to resurrect eternal forgotten truths. Among them is the reality that women are the sanctuary of life.
To highlight the basic nature of crypto currencies, we will focus on the two most popular: Bitcoin and Ethereum. These two cryptos differ much in the same way as gold-standard currency differs from fiat currency.
After the “death of God,” attested to by various 19th century philosophers, paganism is filling the vacuum left by Christianity. The problem with all this is not that it might disappear, something that will only concern believers; but rather that Christian civilization, Christendom, is crumbling
The liberal imperium’s impulses, born out of self-abnegation and self-hatred, have yielded much in the way of balkanization and civic strife. Mass migration and cultural dilution, zealously pursued as ends unto themselves, have not conduced to either human flourishing or the common good.
We conservatives of different persuasions, from the West, the East, and Central Europe, have a common responsibility: to do our best to conserve our political culture, as polished by the ideas of conservatism.
Russia bears the full moral and economic burden for the war, but it is also clear that America’s neoconservative doctrine is one of the losers in that conflict. It is time for the foreign-policy elite in Washington to accept that neoconservatism served America well during the Cold War, but should now be gracefully retired.
Germany has started to beat the drums of war, fueled by a desire to redeem its ancestral sins, and embracing the Russian scapegoat as a distraction from its failed energy politics.
Are rights provided to us by government, or is government simply a protector of rights that we have by virtue of being humans?
It may be that Macron is playing a dangerous game. The suspicion of a confiscated campaign is becoming more and more intense in French opinion.
France finds itself in the ‘dock’ of Europe’s top human rights court over its censorial approach to an infomercial featuring joyful people with Down Syndrome.
The most terrible thing about a culture that treats children as if they are the most important people is that the children are not only unlikeable, but they are unhappy.
The SNP displays little gratitude to the other regions of the UK without which Scotland’s very survival would be in question. Remarkably, however, it seems wedded to the idea of being part of the EU and members were furious when the UK voted to leave.
Now that the Greek Parliament is eager to beef up the nation’s defense, it faces a serious problem: the economy is so weak it can barely keep its population at a standard of living from 20 years ago.
Europe is immersed in an exercise of self-denial that will become self-destruction if a new course is not found.
Facebook gives itself the luxury of offering its “two minutes of hate” to its subscribers, telling them, in its great wisdom, which enemies are allowed.
The WHO said it had advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country’s public health laboratories to prevent “any potential spills” and worried that continued fighting raised the risk of damage to those facilities. It would not say when it had made the recommendation, nor did it specify what kinds of pathogens or toxins were housed there.
After a series of scandals, former conservative shooting-star Sebastian Kurz has fallen from grace. But instead of showing personal accountability, he became the latest example of an ex-politician landing softly in advisory boards of multinational companies and NGOs.
Far from what the label suggests, humanist weddings do not free spouses to live in accordance with truth. The reconquest of freedom is at the heart of Christian marriage, which for centuries has been one of the original features and strengths of Western civilisation.
Swedish MEP Charlie Weimers’ speech in the European Parliament on Putin and Ukraine: “Forcing millions to flee and tearing families apart is incompatible with ‘family values.'”
The outbreak of war in Ukraine has caused an identity crisis in Europe. Yesterday’s pacifism turned into today’s belligerence in a heartbeat, all the while avoiding the geopolitical elephant in the room in favor of moral indignation. This should be a wake-up call.