Church of England: No Definition of ‘Woman’
Mental confusion reigns in the minds of Anglican clergy. Language precautions and a deep-seated concern about crossing the boundaries of political correctness clearly distort common sense.
Mental confusion reigns in the minds of Anglican clergy. Language precautions and a deep-seated concern about crossing the boundaries of political correctness clearly distort common sense.
The figures, which compare crime rates between Italians and foreign-born residents in the same age group, indicate that the latter is accountable for a disproportionate percentage of the overall crime rate.
While EU parliamentarians left an average carbon footprint of 27.7 tons last year, the average EU citizen’s carbon footprint, in recent years, has been around seven tons annually.
Apart from deciding who is eligible for financial compensation, the Law of Historical Memory from 2007 has been used to define how history is taught. Its trajectory will be accelerated with the Law of Democratic Memory of 2022.
The Ministry of Agriculture called the move from Brussels “a setback,” as it comes just when the war in Ukraine has created a global need for seeds and seed oils that farmers were ready to respond to.
The parliament’s amendments would prohibit political ad campaigns from using the data made available whenever an Internet surfer clicks the default ‘accept’ to a website’s data collection policy.
The symbolism of this vote is obvious: it is the first time since the beginning of the pandemic that the government faced major opposition on its health policy in the National Assembly.
By sacking one of his best generals and replacing him with a ‘woke chic’ scholar when the country is already suffering from racial tensions, Macron gives the unsettling impression that France’s decadence is a settled issue.
Bookmakers are touting Penny Mordaunt as the woman most likely to be the next prime minister.
Le Pen highlighted the absurdity of Europeans purchasing oil and gas from India, which itself purchased them from Russia.
In trying to make sense of the current madness, it is easy for anyone to be like the blind men with the elephant.
There are three reasons why stagflation is happening. The most compelling evidence is in some unique data that economists often ignore.
Plunged in what looks to be a new cold war, NATO has been making a flurry of manoeuvres, of which the general’s appointment is only the latest.
Frans Timmermans, the executive vice-president of the European Commission, said that making people suffer this winter in order to stay on track with the energy transition would ultimately be disastrous for solving ‘the climate crisis.’
Germany’s economy has been relying on an export surplus for decades, but exploding energy prices, in combination with a rigid transformation to renewable energies, has caused imports to exceed exports in value for the first time in more than 30 years.
The EU Commission did not initially propose a block-wide policy, but two months later, both the commission and the new Czechia presidency are ready to consider options for an EU-wide windfall tax strategy.
Continetti’s history of the first hundred years of the American right holds lessons for the next hundred.
The situation may not be dramatic, but the #saccageparis movement has revealed that trust has long been broken with the Paris city authorities on heritage preservation.
A mammoth chunk of the glacier atop Mount Marmolada hurled down the mountain at around 186 mph, killing at least 7 hikers and injuring 8 others.
The uptick in squatting in recent years comes down to a political drive to leave landlords with little legal recourse.
Christ’s parables, such as “The Laborers in the Vineyard,” “The Sower,” and “The Hidden Treasure” serve as a basis for Fr. Sirico’s advice on investing, enterprise, and the value of hard work.
Former Bolivian President Áñez has been condemned to 10 years in prison. Tertsch has criticized the socialists in parliament and Renew Europe for blocking a resolution in her defense.