Kosovo: EU Application by End of 2022
Kosovo wants to apply for membership in the EU, the Council of Europe, and NATO, but not all EU members recognize Kosovarian independence, which will be an obstacle hard to overcome.
Kosovo wants to apply for membership in the EU, the Council of Europe, and NATO, but not all EU members recognize Kosovarian independence, which will be an obstacle hard to overcome.
The announcement comes only days before PM Boris Johnson’s successor is announced. Johnson has thus far undertaken little action in resolving the crisis, leaving this farrago for the next prime minister to untangle instead.
If the U.S., or the UK, purport to keep wielding the holy swords of justice, they should do so with reasonable foresight in order that their actions do not end up making messy local realities even messier.
In the past year, alone, energy prices in France and Germany have increased by more than 1000%.
The proportion of Ukrainian refugees who are women and children stands in stark contrast with the high percentage of young adult men received across Europe during the migrant crisis of 2015 and 2016.
The Pope’s trip to Kazakhstan opens a window of opportunity to have the ear of a man whose influence on the Kremlin is unparalleled.
The Belarusian leader touted his country’s fighter jets, now retrofitted with nuclear weapons. While Belarus has no nuclear arsenal of its own, after a referendum held earlier this year, it receives nuclear weaponry from its Russian ally.
The Swedish Democrats have edged out the moderate party as the largest in the four-party center-right coalition.
President Vladimir Putin has vowed to “de-Nazify” Ukraine. To understand the Kremlin’s propaganda, we must go back to the Second World War and even earlier.
Waugh’s trilogy approaches war with a transcendent hope that is capable of withstanding the slings and arrows of modernity without losing itself.
The proportion of Ukrainian refugees who are women and children stands in stark contrast with the high percentage of young adult men received across Europe during the migrant crisis of 2015 and 2016.
The Pope’s trip to Kazakhstan opens a window of opportunity to have the ear of a man whose influence on the Kremlin is unparalleled.
The Belarusian leader touted his country’s fighter jets, now retrofitted with nuclear weapons. While Belarus has no nuclear arsenal of its own, after a referendum held earlier this year, it receives nuclear weaponry from its Russian ally.
The Swedish Democrats have edged out the moderate party as the largest in the four-party center-right coalition.
President Vladimir Putin has vowed to “de-Nazify” Ukraine. To understand the Kremlin’s propaganda, we must go back to the Second World War and even earlier.
Waugh’s trilogy approaches war with a transcendent hope that is capable of withstanding the slings and arrows of modernity without losing itself.
We are addicted to snarky commentary and the daily-churning of vacuous novelty. We won’t really be champions of anything like ‘tradition’ so long as we remain mired in these postmodern poisons.
Legislative impediments to building and repairing churches in Egypt exist within a general climate of increasing violence against Copts.
The point with the minimum age is not the number, but the notion that statesmanship is a slowly acquired asset. It takes time to build the experience, the skills, and all the intangible qualities that the leader of a nation must possess.
The final in a three-part series exploring Shakespeare’s engagement with pagan/Roman morality in Julius Caesar, this essay looks at suicide in the play.
When I first heard Elendil’s line in the third teaser trailer, “The past is dead, we either move forward or die with it,” I became fixated with the whole carnival surrounding Amazon’s billion dollar creative venture—how could it be that J.R.R. Tolkien, a Tridentine-Mass-loving skeptic of modernity was providing the aesthetic and imaginative fuel of woke intersectionalists and activist ideologues in Hollywood?
According to the newspaper BT, this is one of the largest terror-related court cases in Danish history.