EU Invests Millions in Dystopian Degrowth Project
The economic degrowth research project sounds like a planned global economy.
The economic degrowth research project sounds like a planned global economy.
Implosions are plaguing the ‘green’ energy sector.
“It is no more a fight between the Left and the Right. That was before. It is now a fight between the nationalist and the globalist.”
The fine print shows hesitation even in Brussels on the stringent standards.
A Guardian report on the British use of harmful pesticides stands accused of “putting Europhilic dogma ahead of reality.”
Germany is increasingly alone in its anti-nuclear stance as countries look to U.S. support for construction of next-gen nuclear reactors.
In the short term, AI could hit the consultant sector hardest—conservatives should be thinking about how a post-intermediary economy relates to their principles.
In Augustine, Ratzinger found a thinker who believed that the dimensions of faith and reason “should not be separated or placed in opposition; rather, they must always go hand in hand.”
“Without normalization [of relations], there will be no European future for Serbia and Kosovo,” Borrell said.
The liberal-green initiative would give more legislative power to the European Parliament, scrap unanimity in the Council, and establish EU citizenship complete with voting rights, universally set at age 16.
Ursula von der Leyen is sending out the message that the only problem we have to deal with in Europe is pollution.
While conservative MEPs criticized her for abandoning pragmatism for utopist ideology, the Commission chief argued in favor of enlargement to 30+ member states, “History is calling us to [complete] our Union.”
Biden’s immigration policy and his bad fiscal management could create a depression worse than the 1930s.
The impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden could last for months, while Donald Trump will face court trials early next year.
It is unclear whether the European Commission will lift the restrictions when they expire on September 15th.
PM Mette Frederiksen says immigration policy has made the changes necessary.
For 20 minutes, woke audiences looked on, wondering, where was the diversity? Why the display of hatred toward Macron?
A Catholic life can only remain hidden for so long; every Catholic will face a moment when their faith will demand public action, whatever the cost.
Sweden is now the leading country in Europe for deadly violence involving firearms.
If the continued mistreatment of those accused of ‘non-crime hate incidents’ is anything to go by, individuals who pray silently are not yet in the clear.
The Spanish government has moved to strip the late Chilean leader of the Spanish Grand Cross of Military Merit, awarded to him by General Francisco Franco in 1975.
Authorities suspect weapons were to be used for an imminent plot to attack police.