The Carl Schmitt Craze
The return of Schmitt is no cause for panic.
French Right looks to revise Constitution to allow immigration law reform after attempts at stricter laws have failed.
The problem in Europe and America is not that the free-market economy is too big. The problem is that the free-market economy is not big enough.
Suspects were targeting churches, synagogues, and police stations.
In addition to violating mandated time limits, the responses given to Parliament are “noticeably substandard,” MEP Rob Roos says.
Party shows deep rifts regarding report’s scathing critique of current care
Fellow Christians must be firm and uncompromising in facing down ideologues who give Christianity a bad name.
Nearly one million signatures gathered in two days signal potential resurgence of ‘Gilets Jaunes’ protests.
Growing demand for affordable housing in Spain is rapidly outpacing supply.
The debate between Cassirer and Heidegger was one of the most momentous moments in the history of Western philosophy.
The great majority of appointments go to Northern and Western European officials, undercutting claims that the Union is truly representative.
Over 41% of crime suspects are foreigners while 75% of victims are Germans.
A damning report has found “no good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.”
On some social issues, Dignitas Infinita reaffirms the Church’s traditional teaching in clear terms.
The pantheon of old heroes is being cleared to make room for icons of the Sexual Revolution.
‘Hate Speech’ is not defined in Poland’s penal code, and any codified version of the term will inevitably be weaponised to achieve political ends.
All the European political groups signed conduct agreement despite key terms being vaguely defined.
The young French activist faces up to a year in prison for simply stating facts and figures.
Police received a year’s worth of hate crime reports in just seven days.
The European Commission has plans to go after Italy for its excessive budget deficit. There is no real reason for them to do this, and the timing is very bad.
Six months after the brutal Hamas attacks on civilians of October 7th, families warn that they are running out of time.
Report that the prime minister has “completely killed” plans to change the law is false.