Without the agreement, Hungary would have lost considerable sums of money that could not have been allocated afterwards. The compromise seems to have been made in an honourable way for both parties.
Meloni justifies the policy change as one that will benefit those of modest means. According to her, electronic payments are accompanied by excessive bank fees that fatten financial institutions at the expense of ordinary citizens.
Even as she continues to be harassed on social media and receive death threats for her alleged transphobia, Rowling has chosen to become a standard-bearer for all those who wish to defend the uniqueness and importance of the female biological sex.
Left-wing memory tinkerers hate the Sacré Coeur because they believe it was built over the corpses of the revolutionaries killed during the Commune. The Sacré Cœur became for them the symbol of oppression.
Nothing seems wrong with a discerning use of Netflix. But the company’s final goals, Chanot wishes to remind us, are anything but harmless and are bound to destroy the virtues we care to preserve within our families.
Ciotti’s strategy has been very clear throughout the campaign: having in mind the presidential election of 2027, prepare the ground for Laurent Wauquiez.
Since the beginning of the conflict, the two men have had such exchanges no less than forty times—a relationship that is ongoing, if also a little chilly and tense.
President Macron’s polemical viewpoint aroused indignation in the East but reminds us of an objective reality: Russia will not give in easily on issues that are deemed crucial to its security.
The game is not completely played in advance. Ciotti and Retailleau have in common that they both assume a conservative right-wing discourse, but each in their own way.
In Paris, despite Anne Hidalgo’s efforts, there are still traditions that resist, and on every street corner you can acquire, for the modest sum of one euro and a few cents, a piece of happiness and eternity.
Emmanuel Macron clearly tried to put on the costume of the defender of European interests against an American egoism always quick to impose itself in times of crisis.
Despite its negative opinion on the payment of aid to Hungary, the European Commission alone does not have the power to decide on such a sanction.