Aliot vs Bardella: two profiles, two opportunities. For all that, it is difficult to talk about two competitors, since the two men make their political loyalty to Marine the pillar of their candidacy.
The wound of Algeria was quickly closed without being disinfected, and has continued to rot slowly ever since. It has weakened the French body politic, made sicker by Macron’s intervention.
By refusing to put on the costume of their job, the far-Left deputies are only embodying the most mediocre individualism, which triumphs everywhere else and against which they claim to fight.
The union of mixed couples often fuels racist and violent acts—especially between black people and Algerians.
Mario Draghi’s ability to reform the Italian state was seen by Brussels as the fruit of a new European solidarity mechanism—a recovery plan financed by a common debt. These prospects have collapsed like a house of cards.
A new analysis by Italian scientists of the Shroud of Turin using X-ray technology proves that the famous cloth dates back 2,000 years, contrary to the medieval origin suggested by the disputed 1988 carbon-14 analysis.
Péter Szijjártó is above all pragmatic. His visit comes on the heels of the EU’s decision to cut Russian gas supplies by 15%.
The reform implemented by Ad charisma tuendum is part of a larger trend to hamper institutions and practices that could be classified as rooted in tradition.
Containment, curfews, and the use of the health pass are now a thing of the past. The scientific council, responsible for guiding the government’s health policy, is dissolved.
Ciotti distinguished himself during the primary campaign by taking positions clearly on the Right, in contrast to the very centrist positioning of the finalist Valérie Pécresse.
Since the UK’s exit from the European Union, it is no longer enough to show an identity card to cross the border. Every passport must be stamped, which takes more time.
The political line that Laurent Wauquiez wants to promote is a conservative one that stands in opposition to wokism and the revival of the extreme Left with the NUPES.