With almost 100 Christian churches attacked, Trudeau has yet to dedicate a single speech to the crisis.
Javier Milei made it clear that he will defend the most vulnerable in our societies.
South Africa’s government defends chants of ‘Kill the farmer!’ but insists that Israel is committing ‘genocide’ in Gaza.
It is up to us to carry on the fight for goodness, truth, and beauty that Scruton fought so well.
We did not choose modernity, but we can choose how to live within it.
The beauty of The Bard has not dimmed despite the passage of four centuries.
I knew my trip to Ukraine would be memorable. I did not suspect that my companion, Charles Coulombe, would be one of the reasons.
Geert Wilders claims to defend Judeo-Christian heritage. Yet he adheres to the values of 1968, says Bart-Jan Spruyt.
“We know that other countries are putting pressure on Liberia … to see 40,000 Liberian children a year killed.”—U.S. Rep. Chris Smith
It is cruel to demand that women accept their own demotion and dehumanization to avoid offending the cross-dressers in charge.
The men who perished at Ypres and the Somme, the Scheldt and Arnhem, died defending a Christian civilization.
In her exploration of East Germany, Hoyer doesn’t present socialism with a human face, but she does present the human faces of socialism.