Even at its nadir, the French capital remains a beacon of liberty—and, paradoxically, a reason for hope in a Western renaissance.
When the people banded together to protect Portugal’s heritage, the Left crumbled.
After half a century of solid left-wing hegemony, Portugal might be days away from an extraordinary shift to the Right.
The French president’s proposal that European soldiers could be deployed in Ukraine is entirely detached from reality. That’s the purpose.
Western liberal regimes mask the processes of societal manipulation by which their power is maintained.
The bill would open the way for ‘mixed’ bathrooms and locker rooms for school-age children.
Portugal is being transformed by mass immigration—in all likelihood, irreversibly.
Nova Direita is striving to revolutionise the ideological vision of the Portuguese Right by standing unapologetically for national sovereignty and geopolitical neutrality.
Nogueira believed the future would be shaped by great nations and that ethnically pluralistic polities—empires—were culturally and civilisationally superior to homogeneous ones.
Nogueira stands among that now lost class of great European statesmen.