Queen Ursula’s Crown Is Far From Secure
After 2024, Brussels elites stand exposed as no friends of democracy.
After 2024, Brussels elites stand exposed as no friends of democracy.
No matter how people vote, it seems every election brings back to power the same politicians who have been stubbornly ruining the country.
The new majorities in the UN have de facto created a kind of new international law that favors Islamic states.
If conservatives ever wish to be relevant and make any lasting difference in the real world, they need to understand the welfare state.
Few people realize that humanitarian aid is often misappropriated by terrorist organizations.
While President Macron is busy trying to cling to power, the ECB is helping France down the path of economic self-destruction.
It is wrong to separate tax liability from a taxpayer’s ability to pay the tax. Yet Kier Starmer and Kamala Harris are both champions of doing just that.
The European Central Bank has cut interest rates again, and the Federal Reserve may follow. With inflation rising in both regions, these rate cuts must stop.
The Swedish economy is in no way ready to pay for a government-forced workweek reduction.
Contrary to what crypto asset proponents seem to believe, there are firm limits to what cryptos can do for us.
The new majorities in the UN have de facto created a kind of new international law that favors Islamic states.
If conservatives ever wish to be relevant and make any lasting difference in the real world, they need to understand the welfare state.
Few people realize that humanitarian aid is often misappropriated by terrorist organizations.
While President Macron is busy trying to cling to power, the ECB is helping France down the path of economic self-destruction.
It is wrong to separate tax liability from a taxpayer’s ability to pay the tax. Yet Kier Starmer and Kamala Harris are both champions of doing just that.
The European Central Bank has cut interest rates again, and the Federal Reserve may follow. With inflation rising in both regions, these rate cuts must stop.
The Swedish economy is in no way ready to pay for a government-forced workweek reduction.
Contrary to what crypto asset proponents seem to believe, there are firm limits to what cryptos can do for us.
The national Right’s censure of Barnier’s budget is not an irresponsible whim. It is the logical sanction of a bankrupt policy obstinately pursued by corrupt ruling elites for 50 years.
A shrinking economy means less tax revenue for the German government. The solution is simple but requires a lot of political courage. Does the Bundestag have that?
“I am now 70 years old, 35 years in the East, 35 years in politics, apparently two lives … and the second half cannot be understood without the first.”
Modern Monetary Theory is one of the most destructive economic theories ever invented. Its critics have failed to understand it. This needs to change.