“If They Don’t Have Meat, Let Them Eat Broccoli!”
The world of ecology, because it is above all an ideological construct, is hopelessly devoid of flavour.
The world of ecology, because it is above all an ideological construct, is hopelessly devoid of flavour.
What is the First Amendment if not a testament to the best of England?
The regime’s internal fracture may spell the end for Chavismo.
Von der Leyen’s fan club can enjoy their moment, crowing about their power to “shape Europe.” But she should not get too comfortable on that Berlaymont throne.
Perry believed the big lie of the Sexual Revolution, the lie promoted by Friends. It cost him very dearly.
I’m a migrant, but even I know that special tax breaks for immigrants are unfair.
Breton’s letter must be a sign that things are not all well at the top and that other commissioners must be thinking the same thing.
No one will miss Breton’s authoritarianism, but his departure only intensifies Ursula von der Leyen’s grip and makes the decline in French influence even more apparent.
Europe can deter terrorism by encouraging Lebanon to ensure that its airport is used for civilian—not military—purposes
The establishment not only wants ordinary voters to be deprived of information that undermines the preferred narrative, but wants to keep itself in the dark.
The Catalan separatist’s evasion of the law makes a mockery of the EU’s claim to uphold sovereignty and solidarity
The ruling class knows that free people who have the liberty to dissent are more difficult to govern. It is harder to tell them what to do, and expect them to obey.
Only the national-conservative AfD and the left-wing populist BSW parties seem to care about the implications of Ukraine possibly conducting an act of war against its primary ally in Europe.
Because the quality of living in Poland only slightly worsens from year to year, citizens are loath to act.
As if two-tier justice were not bad enough, Britain is third tier in the global index of free expression.
The survival bunkers of the elites are a sign that they are suffering from the same fears that grip so many ordinary people in a world coming apart at the seams.
What is civilised about unaccountable, supranational bodies determining what can and cannot be said?
In Britain, we have a borderline treacherous establishment class that is fatally out of touch with the concerns of its own people.
There will always be an England, but only if there are Englishmen. There will only be Englishmen if Englishmen are willing to struggle for their identity as a people.
The UK establishment is interested not just in clearing the streets of rioters, but clearing the political battlefield of opposition views.
Parisian life during the Games has little in common with what citizens endure for the rest of the year.
It is not enough to rewrite history; wokism demands that we rewrite fantasy, fiction, and all of the imaginary worlds that exist in books and films.