The America Report: Mental Health, Elections, and Debt
While Americans are worried about mental health, election fraud, and government debt, Europeans think that the most important things in America are abortion pills and ice hockey.
While Americans are worried about mental health, election fraud, and government debt, Europeans think that the most important things in America are abortion pills and ice hockey.
If the human factor determines the chances of preserving a fragile tradition, it is also the factor that can condemn it to extinction.
A look at a future in which we ordinary Europeans have wrestled ‘Green Energy’ away from the technocratic oligarchs who are presently wielding it as a weapon against us.
Perhaps reporting the figures of martyred Nigerian Christians might cause compassion fatigue, but the world needs to know the intensity of the persecution—which many argue has developed into a genocide.
Ireland and the U.S. share a close bond. In the past, this was a blessing. In recent times, however, as the U.S. has continued its descent into madness, the blessing has become a curse.
Our hope is that the investigations that we have planned for the coming months will lead to a cleaning of the Augean stables among other parties and organizations—for the vices common to today’s political class are common to man.
Once our leaders accepted the premises of the LGBT movement to appease the activists, they stepped out onto the slippery slope they had mocked us for warning about. But many of them are simply cowards—and so here we are.
Sharia councils claim they help Muslim women attain religious divorce, but this may leave them vulnerable and without any legal protection.
The culture war will be important in the 2024 election. The dividing lines separate two very different ideologies about the principles of human civilization: on the one hand, God, life, liberty, and tradition; on the other hand, secular hedonism with no boundary between right and wrong.
There are many reasons to be concerned about King Charles III. His general kowtowing to ‘wokery’ is risible, since the Left desires nothing more than his abolition. What concerns me the most, however, is his Islamophilia.
So long as the Bank of England is entrusted with as much power as it has assumed for itself—it matters little whether the prime minister is Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, or even Margaret Thatcher.
The numerically smaller Ukrainian ‘David’ stumped the behemoth Russian ‘Goliath’ at the start of the operation. ‘Mission command’ style of leadership is the source of Ukraine’s strength.
Soon, even conservatives will have to ask some unsentimental questions. Where was the royal displeasure when most needed? Where was that counterweight to political power? ‘Locked down,’ is the answer.
Western leaders pay for these crimes with minor blips in the opinion polls; Europe’s daughters pay with their lives. But those in power have one more trick up their sleeve: to stop us noticing, and to criminalise our speech when we do.
There is only one path forward for conservatives: to combine tax cuts with structural reforms to welfare-state spending.
These three politicians may not belong to AfD, but their turn toward conservative principles allies them with the Right in common sense and civic discourse.
Theirs is performative activism—a self-indulgent pastime to signal luxury beliefs. Pouring milk all over the floor at Harrods doesn’t save the planet, it just shows how little they care about the staff who have to clean it up.
There is no indication that anyone’s opinion of climate change is different now from what it was before the souping.
Facing inevitable electoral oblivion, in an odd way, affords the political Right a rare opportunity. With absolutely no chance of keeping Labour out of Number 10 (nor any possibility that they could prove worse), the nation finally has the opportunity to bury the Tories once and for all, and unite behind a genuine conservative coalition.
Recuperation is quite simply the preferred and almost exclusive modus operandi of the Left. Having abandoned the idea of truth, it must look for something else to fuel its battles.
Viva22 centered on the need for historical memory as a safeguard against social engineering and the push for a borderless global market.
Prior to the outbreak of war in Syria in 2011, Rastan—the town where the mosaics are located—had not been the subject of any archaeological campaign.