Manfred Arcane, Counter-Revolutionary Demon Fighter
For today’s conservatives enduring the assaults of the constant neo-Jacobin revolution of today, the adventures of Manfred Arcane are seductively reactionary.
For today’s conservatives enduring the assaults of the constant neo-Jacobin revolution of today, the adventures of Manfred Arcane are seductively reactionary.
Indeed, why should a policy of unlimited free trade and ‘small government’ per se be conservative?
A truly virtuous masculinity would involve men becoming capable of imitating Andrew Tate and then willingly refusing to do so. For what could be less admirable than a man who publicly makes performative utterances against the villain while living vicariously through his exploits?
In Paris, despite Anne Hidalgo’s efforts, there are still traditions that resist, and on every street corner you can acquire, for the modest sum of one euro and a few cents, a piece of happiness and eternity.
What we see in the world of artifice—on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook—is the substitution of the person with a manufactured icon; a shallow image reflected back in the clear pool.
Natsume’s works that wrestled with themes such as sin and responsibility are indebted to his experiences with Christianity.
Advent’s “O Antiphons,” like the snow, return annually, always fresh. They call us to renew the faith that animates Europe’s beating heart.
Defeating the pandemic became a matter of national pride, and the wishes, freedoms, and even the lives of individuals become secondary to that aim. Almost anything was permitted—including brutality in pursuit of the aim of winning the fight.
Without the safeguards of law, freedom would be no blessing. Our societies would be Hobbesian in the true sense: liberty would give way to nightmarish anarchy.
To label one’s opponents as ‘antidemocratic’ may make rhetorical sense, but if the values held as sacred have no foundation besides being considered so by the majority, they will inevitably fail when significant minorities beg to differ.
In a remarkable break with its historic policy, reflecting either incompetence or deliberate national sabotage, the Spanish government has accepted Moroccan designs over the Western Sahara.
Visiting Ypres today is a somber affair. The surrounding farmlands were the main battlefield, but the town itself was almost totally destroyed by German bombardment in the autumn of 1914. The devastation was so great that Winston Churchill wanted to depopulate the town and transform its environs into a vast memorial site.
All sport originates in acts of violence. This, which might seem to condemn it from the start, is actually its redeeming characteristic: sport was, and remains, the best means for ordering that particular human impulse.
Whereas prudence emphasizes political or reasonable action adjusted to particular and contingent circumstances, liberal progressivism like other forms of modern rationalism sees global problems only in terms of universal panaceas.
What one finds here is a wonderful group of people from many walks of life, gathered together in friendship and comradery, to learn together, pray together, eat together, and rediscover what it is to be an heir of the great Christian civilisation that the modern West is now dedicated to repudiating.
Progressives declared war on Trump on live TV. Trump was watching. Regardless of his ideological promiscuity, the die was cast: abortion activists were his enemies. They paid dearly for the mistake.
Understanding how the fortunate fall leads to a different conception of universal order—and how it might allow for distinct and interpenetrating spheres—should inform conservative thinking about transnational cooperation and the shape world order ought to take today.
The ideal of brotherhood is supposed to put everyone on equal footing. In reality, it has served as a moratorium on the cultivation of fatherly responsibility, barring everyone from the requisites for adulthood.
Apart from deciding who is eligible for financial compensation, the Law of Historical Memory from 2007 has been used to define how history is taught. Its trajectory will be accelerated with the Law of Democratic Memory of 2022.
In trying to make sense of the current madness, it is easy for anyone to be like the blind men with the elephant.
One of the terrible features of modernity is that we measure everything by the criteria of productivity and success. But we were not made to be productive, nor to be successful, at least not as our world understands such terms. We were made to flourish.
Margarita de la Pisa Carrión noted that the request to remove pro-life lobbyists was based on the assumption that abortion is a fundamental human right, though it has never been enshrined as such in European law.